Friday, January 18, 2013

How to Backup your FeedBurner Email Subscribers List Safely?

How to Backup your FeedBurner Email Subscribers List Safely?

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How to Backup your FeedBurner Email Subscribers List Safely?

Posted: 18 Jan 2013 11:27 AM PST

Backup FeedBurner

FeedBurner is a widely-used email subscription service, and unless you're on a premium service such as Aweber, chances are that you are using FeedBurner as well. For some, FeedBurner might be everything they need. But for more advanced bloggers out there, some premium services seem to offer a lot more features. And the fact that FeedBurner ran into problems a couple or so months ago doesn't go very well in its favor either. Whatever the case though, it is always a good idea to back things up. Whether you want to move your subscribers to another service, or you just want to make a backup, you will need to download your FeedBurner subscriber list. Here, we'll tell you how to backup your FeedBurner Email Subscribers list.
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