Monday, July 2, 2012

Google PageSpeed Tools: How they increase Blog Speed?

Google PageSpeed Tools: How they increase Blog Speed?

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Google PageSpeed Tools: How they increase Blog Speed?

Posted: 02 Jul 2012 12:08 PM PDT

google Page Speed toolsOn April 09, 2010, Google  incorporated site load speed into its ranking algorithm . Google made it mandatory for site owners and web authors to keep a close look at their site loading time because now search rankings will include site response time too in order to make searching more user friendly for internet users. Matt Cutts emphasized  that though a website speed will be paid great attention in all future ranking criteria but it will still weigh less compared to important factors like relevance, topicality, reputation etc.  Which means quality of blog content comes first, speed comes next. I recently came across the latest Google product called PageSpeed which is indeed a must-to-try for all bloggers. I will demonstrate in detail on how to make better use of it in order to decrease the load time of your blogs.

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Customize Facebook Chat: Change Font size & add emoticons

Posted: 02 Jul 2012 12:08 PM PDT

Facebook Chatting in a new way

Since the day Facebook launched its Facebook Chat, many of us have been waiting for some improvements in the chat options but till now, Facebook provides no high level options to customize the chat. If you are a consistent Facebook user, you must be suffering at your end as well with the irritating Facebook Chat box that keeps on bugging you if you are online. This default chat box keeps on popping up. The worst part is the fact that you cannot move the box around, cannot minimize it for as long as you wish no options available to change size and fonts and most importantly, you cannot share emotions with the Facebook Chat. Many people, due to the mentioned reasons, hardly turn back to Facebook Chat as the primary Chatting platform and are force to look for other alternatives like Skype, Windows Live and Yahoo. its natural that maintaining several messengers at the same time can be too much irritating at times, where forgetting the password is a common practice.
In the month of April'12, Facebook introduced its Chat messenger, which is a disaster itself and the consumers hold mixed feelings for it. This messenger too, has no option to customize the font and the size as well as there is no reference of the contacts that are currently online.
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