Monday, December 24, 2012

Tips To Create a Successful Google+ Community

Tips To Create a Successful Google+ Community

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Tips To Create a Successful Google+ Community

Posted: 24 Dec 2012 11:27 AM PST

google plus communitiesUnlike Facebook, Google plus has still a long way to go in terms of popularity and user profiles. Although Google has had been trying really hard to promote Google plus by affiliating it with all the other products that comes under the same brand, people often find this social network a dry one indeed. An interesting point here is the fact that Google plus offers more or less, a similar flavor to the users that they enjoy using Facebook, there is still something lacking when it comes to moderate the communities effectively. While the moderators seem confused about how to give a boost to their Google+ communities, Google seems to notice it and has now come up with some worth following solutions.
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