Monday, October 8, 2012

Presentation at Greenwich University - The Social Affair 2012

Presentation at Greenwich University - The Social Affair 2012

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Presentation at Greenwich University - The Social Affair 2012

Posted: 08 Oct 2012 12:09 PM PDT

mohammad at greenwich universityWhenever I find an opportunity to convey the message to young talented students, I never miss jumping inside the public academic pool. On 6th October, 2012, the Media Marketing and Management Team at Greenwich University (located in defence Karachi) organized "The Social Affair 2012" event.  The event aimed at celebrating the viral spread of social media websites locally and how it has helped individuals in different ways.  Around six professionals from different IT fields were invited to share their precious experiences with the students. I was fortunately one of the invited Guest Speakers for the evening and the topic I chose was "Make Money Online From your Living Room". It turned out to be one of the most memorable events of my life with tons of warm feedback and appreciation from everywhere. The hospitality I received from the organizers, faculty members and enthusiastic young students can't simply be thanked enough.  I would like to give some highlights of the great experience I had that day.

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Share Your DropBox Files On Facebook

Posted: 08 Oct 2012 12:09 PM PDT

DropBox is one of the most popular cloud storage services available, and it has now teamed up with the most popular social networking website, Facebook, to bring its users one step closer to social integration. We had been hearing a lot about DropBox partnering with Facebook, but this has only now been implemented. As a result, DropBox and Facebook users will no longer have to upload files from their PC to share on their Facebook Groups. They can simply select the file(s) from their DropBox account, which will then be added to the Facebook Group. Easy, no? Let's see how this works out.
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