Tuesday, October 23, 2012

If I quote another source, will I be penalized for duplicate content?

If I quote another source, will I be penalized for duplicate content?

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If I quote another source, will I be penalized for duplicate content?

Posted: 23 Oct 2012 12:09 PM PDT

As you all know, Google is pretty hard-up about duplicate content, now more than ever, because an awful lot of blogs and websites have started making money by blatantly copying material from other sources. This not only is unfair to the original source, it also jeopardizes the integrity of search results returned by Google. Hence the stringent TOS (Terms of Service). But what about adding quotations, or sentences/paragraphs quoted from other websites? It does classify as content copied directly from another website. So how does Google treat such content  and is it safe to include it on your website? Well, Google just released a video explaining how Google treats such content.
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