Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Add jQuery .slideToggle() effect in a Drop Down Menu

Add jQuery .slideToggle() effect in a Drop Down Menu

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Add jQuery .slideToggle() effect in a Drop Down Menu

Posted: 05 Jun 2012 12:07 PM PDT

jquery animationJquery is a beautiful library of JavaScript that has inflated a new life in web technology.  Websites today largely use jQuery to create gadgets and designs that were impossible in past. Unlike CSS3 and HTML5, jquery is supported by all major browsers including IE8+.  The functionality that we will learn today is called Jquery Slide Toggle effect. It enables you to control the speed elements which respond on mouse hover. If you move your mouse towards the drop down menu (at top) on this blog, you will observe that the column drops smoothly and slowly. It first slides down and then expands to its full width. We will use one simple function to introduce this animation in its simplest form. It is .slideToggle(). This animates the drop down list and produces a beautiful effect.

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