Thursday, July 12, 2012

Importance of Reputation Management for Your Blog and Online Business

Importance of Reputation Management for Your Blog and Online Business

Link to My Blogger Tricks

Importance of Reputation Management for Your Blog and Online Business

Posted: 12 Jul 2012 12:09 PM PDT shares with us the importance of protecting your online image and brand. I am sure most of you who are facing online privacy problems will find this guide extremely useful.  

Protect your internet reputationThanks to the power of search results, the internet is an interactive space and your blog or website is a part of it. Businesses and blogs that are just starting out have to consider all sorts of different content strategies to ensure their success. Search results are an important factor in your site's popularity and the successes you will see with it. Search results are awarded to websites for a number of different measurements. One of those is "off-site content" and it accounts for a major portion of your site's reputation.
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10 Things I Do when I am Fed Up with Blogging!

Posted: 12 Jul 2012 12:08 PM PDT

10 things I Do when I am Fed Up with BloggingThe idea of building a blog, working on it day and night and then hoping to make money with it, is itself an awesome feeling initially. There is one thing common in all the bloggers that I met in my blogging career, and that is, their never ending love for their blog. Your blog is not only a webpage but it becomes your most lovable asset if it is productive enough to make your life a better one. However, As a blogger myself, I know that there are times when you really fed up with things you love normally and look forward to things that are a part of the lives of free people. Becoming an author always appealed me, But still, writing continuously for around 6 hours daily for MBT and SEM daily, sometimes brings an end to my other shades of life.
However, when you are earning with something you really love, there is no room to feel down as doing so, negatively affects your work drastically. In order to keep the life going on, here is an effective list of things I Do to refresh my efficiency and keep life normalized.
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