Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Google Uploaded 9 Videos That Tell How To do Better SEO & Drive Traffic

Google Uploaded 9 Videos That Tell How To do Better SEO & Drive Traffic

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Google Uploaded 9 Videos That Tell How To do Better SEO & Drive Traffic

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 12:09 PM PDT

Matt cutts Webmaster help
Driving traffic to a website is a continuous uphill struggle where you could climb and climb, but never get to the top. You can only climb higher than others. For most, the task is daunting, and many cave in after a certain amount of struggle, and their progress stalls, and ultimately falls back. Many require expert guidance, which many don't get. And so, they go on with the wrong SEO practices. Well now, Google has decided to address this issue by releasing videos that explain the best SEO practices. These are 9 videos about SEO, SERPs, engaging audience, avoiding webspam, and more. They were all were released on 25 June at the same time. Whether you are a newbie or a pro-blogger, you'll find these videos immensely helpful.
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Add Facebook Recommendations Bar To Blogger

Posted: 26 Jun 2012 12:08 PM PDT

Facebook Recommendations barFinally the plugin I had been waiting for since 22nd September 2011. In order to engage readers more and let your visitors spend more time on your website Facebook has finally launched the "Recommendations Bar" in beta version. It's designed to display additional recommended articles right after readers have finished reading an article or spent some time on your blog. It will collapse on page load and expand once a reader has reached a specific location on your blog or finished reading the post. Only those articles are displayed that are previously liked or shared on Facebook. The number of likes are displayed under each article along with page title and a thumbnail. It also contains a like button and previously contained an Add to Timeline button that has been removed now. Unlike Facebook Recommendations box which offered related stories but with lack of user friendly interface and engagement, Facebook bar will force readers to stay longer on your site leading to increased pageviews, page impressions and thus traffic. It's a smart alternative to Recommended Post Slides widgets that we previously published.

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