Saturday, June 30, 2012

25 Awesome Google Search Tips To Become a Better Searcher

25 Awesome Google Search Tips To Become a Better Searcher

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25 Awesome Google Search Tips To Become a Better Searcher

Posted: 30 Jun 2012 12:09 PM PDT

Google Search Tips and Tricks
We all love Google. It is perhaps the greatest search engine ever. Lots of people use it everyday. And many others have set it not only as their default search engine, but also their browser homepage. And there's a good reason for that. Google isn't just s search engine, but a smart search engine. It doesn't just list everything present on the web. It does a lot more than that. If you are the kind of person who searches Google by trying different combinations of keywords until finally getting what you're looking for, then let me tell you this. You are performing search in a primitive style, and it isn't 2005 anymore. Google now provides a lot of extra features, using which you can become a "power" Googler. So here are some search tips and tricks that you'll find useful, and that will also save you some time and effort.
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Friday, June 29, 2012

How to Chat With Your Facebook Friends Using Skype?

How to Chat With Your Facebook Friends Using Skype?

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How to Chat With Your Facebook Friends Using Skype?

Posted: 29 Jun 2012 12:09 PM PDT

facebook video call on skype
Facebook is all about connecting with your friends. It might not be the best chatting client, but it is the largest database of people online, since around 901 million people use Facebook actively. Many of you might know about Skype. It is one of the best chatting and IM, and the best voice chat services in the world. It so happens that now, you can integrate the best chatting service in the world with the world's largest database of profiles, and you've got yourself a powerful recipe to connect with the people around you that you love. Yes! You can now use Skype to chat with your Facebook friends and video call them without visiting!
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Add Facebook Recommendations Bar To Wordpress

Posted: 29 Jun 2012 12:08 PM PDT

facebook recommendations bar for wordpressFacebook recommendations bar is spreading widely all over blogosphere. Both WordPress and blogger users are now enjoying a smart push in page views by engaging readers more on their site through this traffic boosting social plugin. Not only does it help to increase your pageviews and AdSense revenue but grows your Facebook fan following with additional likes. This plugin will display additional recommended articles to users as soon as a reader has finished reading the blog post or reached a specified location. The plugin floats to the right of your Wordpress blog, collapses on page load and expands as soon as the reader reaches end of post. It displays a post thumbnail image along with page title and number of likes. It previously included a "Add to timeline" button but now it has been removed and it shows only a like button. It has surely replaced plugins such as "Facebook Recommendations Box" and most importantly SimpleReach Slide which display related posts from within your site on a widget that slides at the bottom of the page. Lets add this plugin to Wordpress with extremely easy steps.
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Blogger introduced Permalink option to create custom URLs

Blogger introduced Permalink option to create custom URLs

Link to My Blogger Tricks

Blogger introduced Permalink option to create custom URLs

Posted: 27 Jun 2012 12:09 PM PDT

Blogger Permalink settingsIts indeed one of the most awaited SEO development for all blogger users. Blogger users can now write custom URLs for their posts using Blogger in draft. You will now find a permalink option in post editor if you log into Blogger account using and not Permalink or "permanent link"  in layman terms is the URL that appears in your browser address bar. Previously blogger would automatically create a 35-40 Characters long permalink after you published a post and most often the keywords picked were not SEO friendly and made no sense but now you can create a custom URL with as many rich keywords as you want with complete control over the structure. I must tell you its one of the best features introduced after the Search Preferences which offered control over Meta Tags, redirects, and 404 error page. It gives you many benefits like more ranking power and better click through rates in SERPs.
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10 Great SEO Tips For Startups In Under 10 Minutes by Google

Posted: 27 Jun 2012 12:09 PM PDT

Google Seo Tips
Optimizing your website for search engines can be the single most important thing to do after writing quality content. It can form the backbone of your content that keeps the website rigid. But the importance of SEO ends there! People and companies spend a lot of time, effort and money on SEO. Some ever over-optimize their website. Well, if there's one rule to SEO, it's this; if it's not right, it's wrong. Few people realize that proper SEO can be so simple as to be learnt in under 10 minutes. They spend hours and days researching. If only they looked in the right place fro the start! Google recently uploaded some videos teaching some basics of SEO. And yesterday, the added another one to their quick guides, summing up everything you need to know about SEO in under 10 minutes.
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