Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Display Four Adsense Content Ad Units Per Page

Display Four Adsense Content Ad Units Per Page

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Display Four Adsense Content Ad Units Per Page

Posted: 30 May 2012 12:07 PM PDT

show more than 3 ad units This is a quick notice to all our readers who have been noticing more than three ad units on our blog and started doing a research on their own and applied methods that are strictly forbidden. Only selected publishers are allowed to display more than 3 ad units per page. We became Premium Adsense publisher just last month. MBT and all blogs under its network can now display as many ad units as required. Premium publishers are given privileges of both direct telephonic and Email correspondence. We receive suggestions related to ad placements directly from an appointed Google agent via telephone and email. All of you are requested to kindly not experiment on your own by reading articles online and making wrong use of Ad management services like Google's DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP) or third part services like LakeQuincy.  In today's post we feel it's our responsibility to  inform you all and educate you with Google Adsense Terms of Services.

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