Monday, May 28, 2012

Create a Drop Down List For any Horizontal Menu

Create a Drop Down List For any Horizontal Menu

Link to My Blogger Tricks

Create a Drop Down List For any Horizontal Menu

Posted: 28 May 2012 12:07 PM PDT

create a drop down listA website's Header section which includes mainly the logo and navigation menu, is the region that attracts a visitor the most. It's the first section of your entire layout that catches reader attention. Therefore with time designers introduced non-traditional versions of drop down menus using Jquery and CSS3. Most of you probably know how to customize a menu but you often find it difficult to add Jquery effects to an existing menu, add CSS3 transitions for rollover effects and especially to turn a simple horizontal menu into a multi-level drop down menu. In order to understand the core basics of a Menu's HTML and CSS structure we will be publishing series of tutorials on this topic to make it extremely easy for most of you to create and design Menus by your own.

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