Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Display Four Adsense Content Ad Units Per Page

Display Four Adsense Content Ad Units Per Page

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Display Four Adsense Content Ad Units Per Page

Posted: 30 May 2012 12:07 PM PDT

show more than 3 ad units This is a quick notice to all our readers who have been noticing more than three ad units on our blog and started doing a research on their own and applied methods that are strictly forbidden. Only selected publishers are allowed to display more than 3 ad units per page. We became Premium Adsense publisher just last month. MBT and all blogs under its network can now display as many ad units as required. Premium publishers are given privileges of both direct telephonic and Email correspondence. We receive suggestions related to ad placements directly from an appointed Google agent via telephone and email. All of you are requested to kindly not experiment on your own by reading articles online and making wrong use of Ad management services like Google's DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP) or third part services like LakeQuincy.  In today's post we feel it's our responsibility to  inform you all and educate you with Google Adsense Terms of Services.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

5 Habits That Will Badly Fail You as a Businessman

5 Habits That Will Badly Fail You as a Businessman

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5 Habits That Will Badly Fail You as a Businessman

Posted: 29 May 2012 12:07 PM PDT

5 reasons business fail Business is all around us. With the world getting over populated, ideas are flooding around everywhere. Every new idea gives birth to a new earning plan. The most difficult process for any type of earning strategy is taking the first initiative to turn an idea into a practical plan. Rest all those profit and loss sinusoidal waves follow naturally by themselves. I started blogging back in ending months of the year 2008 and to be honest I never thought it would turn out to be an everlasting business engine. This year thought me great lessons when it comes to expanding this little blog into a network of ecommerce services and online websites that gave a whole new definition to the medium I work in. After going through the lives of some famous investors and successful executives I came to a point where I realized that business is not all about Long Term Investment, there is a lot more to it. 

Note: For bloggers and freelancers who are looking to expand their career goals, the habits below are a must read.

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Create a Drop Down List For any Horizontal Menu

Create a Drop Down List For any Horizontal Menu

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Create a Drop Down List For any Horizontal Menu

Posted: 28 May 2012 12:07 PM PDT

create a drop down listA website's Header section which includes mainly the logo and navigation menu, is the region that attracts a visitor the most. It's the first section of your entire layout that catches reader attention. Therefore with time designers introduced non-traditional versions of drop down menus using Jquery and CSS3. Most of you probably know how to customize a menu but you often find it difficult to add Jquery effects to an existing menu, add CSS3 transitions for rollover effects and especially to turn a simple horizontal menu into a multi-level drop down menu. In order to understand the core basics of a Menu's HTML and CSS structure we will be publishing series of tutorials on this topic to make it extremely easy for most of you to create and design Menus by your own.

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