Monday, September 14, 2020

My Blogger Tricks

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No Time for Social Media? 4 Tips to Consider

Posted: 14 Sep 2020 10:25 AM PDT

social media management

Social media can be one of the most powerful tools in your box as a business owner. But, managing and making the most from social media can be tricky and time-consuming if you are not an expert. How do you improve engagement with your audience? Craft social posts that encourage your audience to convert? Make sure that you are posting interesting social content on a regular basis? When you have all the other aspects of running your business to consider, it can quickly start to cut into your time.

These tips are designed to help you get the results you want from your social efforts.

Work With an Agency:

Hiring a social media agency can save you both time and money while improving your overall results. If your social campaigns have been slacking recently and you barely find the time to post, working with an agency can be an ideal way to free up your time while providing you with peace of mind that you've got an expert on the case. Jen Boyles Digital can help you come up with a social strategy, engaging content, and regular posts to help you make the most of your social media presence, while you focus on the other stuff.

Hire a Freelancer:

An agency not quite in your budget right now? Another alternative to free up your time and make sure that you are getting the most from your social media presence is to hire a freelancer. A freelance writer can craft blog posts and social content to share on a regular basis and you can find freelancers who exclusively work to produce social media ads and manage your content calendar. Since you will usually pay them on a per-job basis it can be a very cost-effective way of getting the results that you need.

Automation Tools:

Automation tools like Hootsuite are the business owner's best friend when it comes to social media publishing. You can create a content calendar and schedule posts to be published across all platforms at any given time or date, helping you reduce a significant amount of time scheduling posts individually or logging into different platforms to hit publish.

Create Content in Bulk:

While there's always going to be certain types of content that are time-sensitive and will need to be created as and when necessary, most of the time you can get a huge chunk of content out of the way, schedule it to be published, and then forget about it for a while. Set aside some time to write blog posts, shoot videos, and create graphics to post to social media and write captions to accompany them. Depending on how much time you have, you can create a content calendar for the upcoming week or even the month ahead. Once your content's done, you can simply use a tool like Hootsuite to schedule publishing.

Social media is one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal when running a business, but are you making the most of it? Keep these tips in mind if you're always running out of time to focus on social media.

4 Reasons To Hire a Freelance Writer For Your Blog

Posted: 14 Sep 2020 09:44 AM PDT

hire a freelance writer
You've launched your business blog, hoping to publish regular posts and super-charge your content marketing efforts. There's no denying that having a business blog can benefit your company in many different ways, including providing more content for search engines to index and giving you a platform from which you can showcase your industry knowledge and expertise.

However, you may have realized that you simply don't have enough time to research, write, and publish consistent blog posts as much as you'd like to. The solution: Hire a freelance writer to do it for you.

Save Money:

Of course, you need to pay your writer - but outsourcing your business blog to a freelancer can actually save, rather than cost you money. This is because while they're getting on with writing your blog posts, you can focus on the other stuff that really matters, like growing your business and bringing in more profit. And, a freelance writer can be a very cost-effective solution since most writers will work on a per-project basis, meaning that you can simply pay them as and when you need a blog post writing.

It's Flexible:

Hiring a freelance writer is much more flexible as opposed to taking on an in-house copywriter. When working with a freelancer, you can choose how much work you'd like to give them for the month, making it easier for you to reduce your costs as and when needed compared to paying somebody a set monthly wage. In addition, most freelance writers are happy to work to get tasks done outside of regular office hours, which isn't always the case with full-time employees who are only obliged to work at the times you pay them.

Get an Expert Pair of Eyes on Your Content:

A freelance writer will likely have plenty of experience producing blog posts for small businesses and may be able to help you see hidden angles that you may not have noticed yourself. A good writer from The Hunt Agency will be able to offer you a second, expert opinion on the blog posts that you create yourself, spot spelling and grammatical errors that you might have missed, and help you ensure that you stick to a consistent brand voice. And, many freelance writers are experienced with optimizing content for SEO, which can come in handy if you want to improve your search engine visibility.

Stay on Top of Your Blog:

If your content calendar has been quite sporadic so far as you have to divide your time between writing blog posts and getting everything else done, hiring a freelance writer can help you ensure that things become a bit more consistent. Rather than having to find the time to work on researching and writing blog posts when you can, your writer can take over while you get on with everything else, providing you with consistent content to post on a regular basis no matter how busy you are.

Whether your blog is your business or you are adding a blog feature to an existing business website, working with a freelance writer can help you get the best results.



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