Wednesday, April 22, 2020

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How Do I Start a Business Selling CBD Gummies?

Posted: 22 Apr 2020 09:27 AM PDT

How Do I Start a Business Selling CBD Gummies?
All over the United States, the CBD market is gaining momentum. People take products like Verma Farms CBD gummies for pain, relaxation, and general wellness. Now is the time to jump on the wagon and profit from this new, rapidly advancing industry. Keep reading for some advice on how to get started.

Know Your CBD

The CBD market can be a confusing place, even if you have experience with the hemp or cannabis industry. You need to know your stuff if you intend to effectively promote your products, build relationships with your customers, and navigate the evolving legal landscape.
With the death of clear and accessible information surrounding the CBD industry, people are seeking knowledgeable retailers and vendors, so do your research and become an expert. When you know everything there is to know about the CBD brands you sell, you will be able to more effectively market your products.

Different CBD Formulas

CBD Isolate Some people are wary of exposure to THC, and some are hesitant to try CBD because they are regularly tested for drugs at work. Isolating CBD in the extraction process removes all traces of THC and keeps customers safe when they must submit to their next screening.
Full Spectrum CBD While some are concerned about failing a drug test, others would like a little more oomph to their CBD experience. For these people, full-spectrum CBD is the answer. This formula makes use of all cannabinoids in the hemp plant, of which there are dozens. THC is one cannabinoid, but because the hemp-derived CBD contains 0.3 percent or less, you do not need to worry about intoxication. 
Broad Spectrum CBD Broad-spectrum CBD is the happy medium between the other two ends. The distillation process for broad-spectrum aims to keep all the cannabinoids intact, except for THC.
The problem with this concept is that tiny amounts of THC will cling to the other cannabinoids, resulting in the inability to entirely remove it. As a consequence, broad-spectrum CBD often still contains nearly untraceable amounts of THC, but levels are still lower than with full-spectrum CBD.

Find a Supplier

Once you know what you are looking for in your CBD gummies and other products, you need to find a good supplier. Go through a supplier you trust and can develop a relationship with. The quality of your product is a top priority.

Major Quality Markers

Certificate of Analysis Your supplier should make it easy to access the certificate of analysis for all the CBD products it manufactures. The COA contains results of third-party lab testing, which is now a requirement for all CBD products sold online.
Testing confirms the purity and potency of the product, and your customers will feel confident in their purchases when they can easily find that information.
Organic The hemp plant is a bioaccumulator, which means that it will absorb everything in its environment. Protect your customers from harmful pesticides, fertilizers, and heavy metals, by making sure the hemp for your products was organically and sustainably grown in clean soil, and irrigated with clean fresh water.
Domestically Grown Some brands cut corners by using hemp grown in countries outside the US for their extracts. This is dangerous because other countries may not have the same agricultural regulations as the United States.
Hemp grown in other countries may be cheaper to obtain, but it is not necessarily grown in ideal conditions, which exposes consumers to potentially dangerous chemicals.

Get Your Website Up and Running

When getting your CBD business off the ground, you may consider giving sales on Amazon or eBay a try. This would be a good idea except that they do not allow CBD to be sold on their sites.
You need to get a website up and running in order to get your products in front of customers. Then you can sell your CBD oils, gummies, and other products without worry about your products getting taken down.

ECommerce Tips

You Need Your Own eCommerce Store Since you cannot sell your CBD on aggregate sites, you are going to need your own eCommerce store. Due to the fluctuating legality, some platforms will not work with CBD brands. There are a few, however, that will be the right fit for you, and they may even have a division that specializes in sales for the hemp and cannabis industries.
Find Your Audience Who do you want to reach out to with your brand? Athletes? Executives? Young adults? Aging adults? The possibilities are endless since nearly everyone is a potential customer for CBD. Figure out who your audience is, what they like, and then push hard to create a brand that caters to them.

Create TONS of Organic Content

The major challenge in marketing your CBD products is that there are so many restrictions. The evolving laws make it difficult to keep up, but as of right now paid advertisements for CBD gummies and oils are banned on Google, Facebook, Instagram, and all other major channels of marketing.

Cater to Your Audience

SEO Content The best way to combat the fact that you cannot pay to push your ads in front of any consumers, is to create so much SEO content that your website shows up on the first page of any search your audience does related to your product. Is your audience made up of athletes? Fill your content full of subject matter related to performance and recovery. Executives? Focus on productivity and relaxation.
Keep It Informative and Interesting You want your audience to actually read what you put out and click your links. Just filling your content with keywords and forgetting about substance will not get you anywhere. If you do the research to become an expert in your market, you will have plenty to write about.

Final Thoughts

While entering the CBD market may seem intimidating, it can be an enjoyable, profitable venture. Enjoy the journey!

How to Use a Competitor Analysis To Increase Your Blogs Popularity?

Posted: 22 Apr 2020 06:06 AM PDT

How to Use a Competitor Analysis To Increase Your Blogs Popularity
Search engine optimization does not happen in a vacuum. Much like in a traditional business setting, you need to take your competition into consideration when evaluating ways you can improve your blog and get more traffic. This article will give you some tips and tricks for how to perform a SWOT analysis, use the information to drive visitors to your blog, and get yourself on that coveted first page—maybe even in the top spot—on the search results.

Perform a SWOT Analysis on Your Own Blog

Before you start diving into what your competitors are doing, make sure you have taken an objective look at your own blog. A SWOT analysis (evaluating strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) will give you a solid understanding of your blog's baseline status.
What do people like about your blog? Which content is getting the most engagement or longest read time? What are the most popular pages or articles?
Which pages or articles don't have any activity? Are there any sections that contain errors or inaccurate information? Is everything presented in a readable format?
What kinds of content do your followers want to see more of? Is there a subject that you could expand more on? Is there a related subject you haven't addressed?
Is there a lack of new information about your blog's subject? New regulations? Is there anything that may color public opinion of your blog?
Ask people whose opinions you respect and trust for some input on the answers to these questions, and take a look at this list of SWOT questions from SCORE to see if there are other questions you could adapt for your blog's SWOT analysis.
Items in your SWOT analysis may change as you see what others are doing. For example you may notice another blog taking advantage of an opportunity you didn't see before. That's okay. You can always revise your SWOT later, but it is important to have that initial impression before your competition colors your view.

Determine Who Your Competitors Are

There may be a bazillion other blogs on the same subject matter that your blog covers, but they are not all direct competitors. Let's say you run a Southern recipes blog geared toward families, for example. Your direct competitors are not going to be all Southern recipes blogs, and they also will not be all family cooking blogs. Narrow it down to blogs that target the same audiences and offer the same kind of content in order to save yourself a lot of headache.
You also want to make sure you are not comparing yourself to blogs that are not on the same scale as yours. If you are just getting started, you cannot compare your blog to Paula Deen's blog. Someday, maybe. But for now, stick to blogs that are more comparable to your own in status. Otherwise it is like trying to compare a small independent grocer to Walmart.

What Kind of Content Do They Use?

Evaluate how often your competition posts, the quality of their posts, the accuracy and the readability. Is their writing clear and concise? Does it contain spelling or grammatical errors? Do they use a lot of infographics, videos, or other unconventional formats that seem to be working for them? Is there a format their blog is missing? How are they making use of keywords? Are there any that you may have missed in your strategy?
Use this information to find ways you can fill in the gaps that their blog leaves. Maybe you could start creating more listicles, how-tos, or even video content. Use their content to inspire ways to make your content better and more comprehensive than theirs. This is one way your SWOT analysis will come in handy because it will help you figure out what you already do better than the competition, which leads to opportunities.

Find Out Who Links to Your Competitors

Comprehensive tools like ahrefs can be used to do a deep dive into evaluating your competitors, and you can use them to find out valuable information like who links to your competitor's content and where those links can be found. This information can help you figure out which sites to approach to link to your content as well. You can approach different sites that are similar, or the same site to offer them better or complementary content.

Do A SWOT Analysis on Your Competitors

A SWOT analysis is a great way to really understand all the ways you can stand out from the competition. Out of their weaknesses, what are your strengths? What do they do well that you would like to emulate? Where are there opportunities to define your blog as the authority? Where might they pull attention away from your blog?
Evaluating your competition in this way gives you a wealth of insight into your own blog. Putting everything into a framework like this will help you recognize opportunities to expand your audience and improve your content, boosting your blog in the search engine rankings, and driving more traffic to your site.


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