Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Overused H2 & Missing H1 Tags in Blogger Posts Titles

Overused H2 & Missing H1 Tags in Blogger Posts Titles

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Overused H2 & Missing H1 Tags in Blogger Posts Titles

Posted: 09 Jun 2015 12:24 PM PDT

Optimize Headline Tags h1 and h2 in BloggerMost Blogger blogs are poorly optimized when it comes to Headline tags which includes H1, H2 and H3 either because newbie publishers are implementing wrong SEO techniques by reading unauthentic articles across the web or may be because they are using a custom template which may look quite attractive when it comes to User interface (UI) but they are the worst when it comes to Optimized XHTML Structure. In our previous tutorial we share how you can assign H1 Tag to Blog Title on homepage, search pages and Archives, in todays tutorial we will discuss how to correctly optimize Post titles and Static Page titles in blogspot by assigning H1 Tag to a title on Item Page and H2 tags on Index and Archive pages. We will also empower the title Structure with the correct Schema Markup.

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