Saturday, May 23, 2015

AdSense Responsive Ad Units Showing Blank Space in Blogger - [Fix]

AdSense Responsive Ad Units Showing Blank Space in Blogger - [Fix]

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AdSense Responsive Ad Units Showing Blank Space in Blogger - [Fix]

Posted: 23 May 2015 09:00 AM PDT

Adsense Ads show blank spaceIt is almost a year since Google introduced Responsive Ad units for Mobile friendly weblogs and sites. Previously the Ads were synchronous which had a fixed ad size and were slow too in loading but now all responsive Ad units are  asynchronous in nature which means they will render and load seamlessly without effecting other elements from loading on your web page, this immensely reduces your blog load time.  One of the problems linked with Responsive Ad units is that most bloggers found it difficult displaying the async code on their blogspot blogs. For many users the responsive Ad unit shows a blank space or gives an error on browser console.

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