Saturday, December 27, 2014

The Top Search Highlights Of 2014

The Top Search Highlights Of 2014

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The Top Search Highlights Of 2014

Posted: 26 Dec 2014 10:33 AM PST

Each new year brings us joys and sorrows, pain and relief, new innovations and set-backs. But most importantly, leaves behind a legacy - memories and experiences that shape us for the better. If the most popular searches of the year are any indication, 2014 was not too delightful a year. But hey! Life has its up and downs right? Check out this video on the major search highlights in the year 2014.
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How To Manually Add Disqus Comment Widget to Blogger?

Posted: 25 Dec 2014 10:33 AM PST

In a previous post, we talked about integrating Disqus comments in a Blogger blog. That is just one of the ways to add this commenting system to your blog. If you're the geeky type, you'd want to do it manually, just so you know you can control it and customize it to your liking. It can also come in useful when the Disqus gadget installer isn't working. So today, we'll look at a manual way of installing the Disqus commenting system on your blogger blog.
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How Many Links Should A Webpage Have?

Posted: 10 Dec 2014 10:33 AM PST

How many links can you have on a page?
It seems like we're going back to the basics. But this is one question that gets asked frequently. Along with backlinks, Google also treats the outbound links on a page seriously, and it ultimately boils down to how many good links and bad links you have on a page. But is there such a thing as too many outbound links? We know that too many outbound links can decrease the value of a page, but how many is many?
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