Saturday, May 31, 2014

Can You Have Multiple Links On A Page Pointing To The Same Target?

Can You Have Multiple Links On A Page Pointing To The Same Target?

Link to My Blogger Tricks

Can You Have Multiple Links On A Page Pointing To The Same Target?

Posted: 31 May 2014 11:11 AM PDT

Multiple links
Creating inbound and outbound links on your website smartly is an important part of SEO. We have talked at length about linking strategies that can protect your blogs against algorithmic penalties. Someone once asked me if it was okay to add two links on a page that point to the same target. I just stumbled across Google's Matt Cutts' response to the question, so I thought I'd share it with our readers.
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Top Millionaire Companies That Originated From Blogs

Posted: 30 May 2014 11:11 AM PDT

Top Millionaire Companies That Originated From Blogs
Ever wondered where your blog can take you? Many bloggers aim to make money from their blogs. A few aspire to become probloggers, earning six or even seven figures. Fewer still go on to build a full-blown business behind their blogs that make them millions! A couple months ago, I argued that making big money from blogs now is very difficult, nigh on impossible. But not if you do it the way some of the guys in the list below have! Here are a few multi-million dollar companies that were born as ordinary blogs!
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