Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Remove all Structured Data Errors on your Blogs!

Remove all Structured Data Errors on your Blogs!

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Remove all Structured Data Errors on your Blogs!

Posted: 29 Apr 2014 11:11 AM PDT

Structured Data Errors improvement chartThis post is a confirmation to prove that the unique SEO method that we published last month to fix hatom errors has done us wonders and have solved all errors on webmasters for both our network blogs and our clients. Microformat markup errors are amongst the most complicated errors and fortunately we managed to find a fix for blogger blogs. We are now moving towards solving hatom errors in Wordpress blogs and will release that tutorial pretty soon. Please check below the screenshots to see the amazing drop in errors for missing:author , missing:updated and missing:entry-title fields:

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How Does Google Choose Post Titles For Search Results?

Posted: 29 Apr 2014 11:11 AM PDT

How Does Google Choose Page Titles?
When Google crawls a page on your website and indexes it to show in search results, it usually picks up the meta title (or default title) of the page that you have set. But this isn't always the case, and Google can, and sometimes will, ignore your title, and write its own. Preposterous, yes? I wouldn't want my titles overridden by a bot! So when and why does Google do that? And how does it choose titles for search results?
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Monday, April 28, 2014

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Category and Tag Archive Pages?

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Category and Tag Archive Pages?

Link to My Blogger Tricks

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Category and Tag Archive Pages?

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 11:11 AM PDT

Blog Archives
Most content websites use categories and/or tags to classify information. Correctly classifying the information on your website is extremely important, not only for the users' benefit, but also from an SEO perspective. It can help you create powerful archive sections on your website that can rank well. In fact, building a good information architecture is one of the newest SEO techniques to learn in 2014.. Most websites have default or basic archive pages, which are mostly by robots or 'noindexed' so that search engines won't pick up on duplicate content. Today, we'll talk about getting the most out of these pages.
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Saturday, April 26, 2014

Pinterest Announces Guided Search For Easier Content Discovery

Pinterest Announces Guided Search For Easier Content Discovery

Link to My Blogger Tricks

Pinterest Announces Guided Search For Easier Content Discovery

Posted: 25 Apr 2014 11:11 AM PDT

Pinterest Guided Search
Search engines are great for answering specific questions. For example, a tutorial for building Android apps, weather conditions in a city, and so on. But don't you sometimes feel at a loss to pinpoint what you're looking for, and randomly sift through the internet for a chance encounter? Perhaps you need some creative ideas for your upcoming vocations. But there never existed a search engine that could help you with such stuff.

Until now.
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