Sunday, December 15, 2013

CAFAT: Download & Play a Free Unity3D Game!

CAFAT: Download & Play a Free Unity3D Game!

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CAFAT: Download & Play a Free Unity3D Game!

Posted: 14 Dec 2013 10:11 AM PST

imageCAFAT as we mentioned in our last post is a "Computer aided First aid Trainer". It is a 3D game that we programmed as our final year project. It aims at teaching a player with survival tactics that includes Rescue/Escape missions and First-Aid related tutorials. It trains a player to get prepared both mentally and physically for any unexpected emergency scenario such as Heart Attack, snake bite, Fire burn, robbery, Gas leakage etc. We live in a world where accidents and mishaps are part of daily life routines. Public is often not well educated with survival tactics and they often fail to provide first-aid to victims or react rationally in a call-to-action situation as a result precious lives are lost due to lack survival skills. I remember back in November 2012, TV Media news broadcasted a burning man for over 15 minutes, who was hanging outside "state life building".

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