Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Show Next & Previous Post Titles in Blogger with jQuery Navigation

Show Next & Previous Post Titles in Blogger with jQuery Navigation

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Show Next & Previous Post Titles in Blogger with jQuery Navigation

Posted: 30 Dec 2013 10:11 AM PST

jquery pager navigation in bloggerYou can see that we have replaced Older/Newer Pagination buttons with Post titles. This trick is not a new one and already many developers proposed different solutions using JavaScript or using jQuery. We will also use jQuery but in a more neater and optimized fashion using jquery to fetch URL parameters instead of running long js queries. Blogger blogs are neither optimized nor structured in a user friendly manner. Same applies to default wordpress themes. The pagination buttons make no sense when placed at the bottom of comments container. Anything that provides usability to readers should be placed straight in front of eyes and not pushed down to the page where one would rarely scroll. After checking our analytics stats, I found that Next/Previous buttons placed just at the bottom of post body generates more pageviews compared to placing them down below comments section. They become even more useful if instead of showing just buttons pointing to succeeding or preceding posts, show your readers the blog post titles. We will learn today how to create this professional looking pager navigation in blogspot blogs.

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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Top Tips To Get Your Page Discovered On Facebook

Top Tips To Get Your Page Discovered On Facebook

Link to My Blogger Tricks

Top Tips To Get Your Page Discovered On Facebook

Posted: 27 Dec 2013 10:11 AM PST

Top Tips To Get Your Page Discovered On Facebook

A lot of the Pages on Facebook go unnoticed owing to the fact that Facebook only broadcasts your posts to a small percentage of your audience. And unless you spend some money on promotions (which increases the target audience percentage), chances are that you you'll be struggling to reach even a fraction of your potential. Today, we'll share some tips that could help you increase your page's potential without having to pay anything.
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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Popups with Falling snow & Countdown Timer!

Christmas Popups with Falling snow & Countdown Timer!

Link to My Blogger Tricks

Christmas Popups with Falling snow & Countdown Timer!

Posted: 23 Dec 2013 10:11 AM PST

Free Christmas popupsTo keep our tradition alive, we are releasing our premium set of jQuery Popups as Holiday gift to all MBT readers. This Popup plugin is specially designed and developed with Five Unique Features! It is completely customizable, has a countdown timer that can be set to any date and time, has 3 different animations, 2 attractive Christmas Background themes and most importantly it is the first popup plugin of its kind introduced for blogger blogs that comes with HTML5 sessionStorage functionality to set cookie in order to control the popup display. You can decide whether to show the popup only once to your visitors or on every new visit. It is perfectly compatible with all major browsers. Interesting part of it is that the scripts are stored on our servers so no headache  on your part thus making the installation extremely easy. You can add it easily to your blogspot or wordpress blogs or on any webpage you may have. Lets view a Live demo first on Blogger and then on two simple webpages.

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Monday, December 23, 2013

Automatically Open all External Links in a New Window in Blogger!

Automatically Open all External Links in a New Window in Blogger!

Link to My Blogger Tricks

Automatically Open all External Links in a New Window in Blogger!

Posted: 22 Dec 2013 10:11 AM PST

automatically open links in new windowJust today a client requested us that he wish to open all his external links in new window or new tab when clicked and he is not willing to manually do it for each post by adding target="_blank" inside each hyperlink. We wrote down a simple jQuery script that will check all hyperlinks inside your blog pages and will only add the target="_blank"  attribute to links which are external links. It wont  put any effect to internal links of the blog. The script will only detect external hostnames and the moment it finds one, it will insert into the html a target attribute that tells the browser to open the link in a new window. Thus preventing your blog readers from leaving your blog and also helps in increasing your overall pageviews and bounce rate. We thought we shall also share the script with all of you. 

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