Saturday, August 17, 2013

SEO Settings for rel=prev and rel=next

SEO Settings for rel=prev and rel=next

Link to My Blogger Tricks

SEO Settings for rel=prev and rel=next

Posted: 16 Aug 2013 11:11 AM PDT

SEO Settings for rel=prev and rel=next
Sites often tend to paginate their content into several, smaller logical chunks that make it easier for readers to navigate through and keep track of. You can often see this type of thing in in-depth product reviews, where there are different sections divided into different pages. Similarly, news and other such publishing sites often tend to divide a very long article into several smaller chunks. Discussion forums also often break threads into sequential URLs. People have often asked us about how to handle such type of Pagination from a SEO point of view, because you want search engines to be able to associate all the related 'pages' together. Well, today, we'll tell you about the correct SEO Settings to paginate large content on your site.
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