Sunday, July 28, 2013

How To add a "Click to Tweet" link to Quotes within your posts?

How To add a "Click to Tweet" link to Quotes within your posts?

Link to My Blogger Tricks

How To add a "Click to Tweet" link to Quotes within your posts?

Posted: 27 Jul 2013 11:11 AM PDT

Click To Tweet - Create Customized Tweets
Tweet buttons on a website allows users to tweet the link to a post or page, along with its entire meta title. But the title isn't always what you want users to tweet, since it is designed with SEO in mind, and could look unseemly and out of place on Twitter. Instead, you might want users to tweet about an interesting fact, a quote or an opinion. Wouldn't it be cool if users could simply tweet that specific quote or fact by just clicking on a link or button? Check out how to create "Click to Tweet" links for quotes within your posts or pages.
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