Thursday, November 29, 2012

Add Google Plus Followers Gadget To Blogger!

Add Google Plus Followers Gadget To Blogger!

Link to My Blogger Tricks

Add Google Plus Followers Gadget To Blogger!

Posted: 29 Nov 2012 11:27 AM PST

Google Plus Followers' Widget

One of the best perks of using Google is, it has products that seamlessly integrate with each other to provide an easy and comprehensive interface to users. For example, Google Drive can be used to attach files with emails quickly. You can +1 posts outside Google+, and share search results on Google Plus. You can even auto-publish your Blogger blog feed to your G+ profile. And that is by no means the end of it. In fact, Google just announced a brand new feature, the Google Plus Followers gadget for blogger blogs! This new Google Plus followers' gadget for blogspot blogs will provide another layer of integration between your Google Plus profile and your Blogger/Blogspot blog.
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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Why do paid links violate Google's guidelines while other ads don't?

Why do paid links violate Google's guidelines while other ads don't?

Link to My Blogger Tricks

Why do paid links violate Google's guidelines while other ads don't?

Posted: 28 Nov 2012 11:27 AM PST

Google is known for its non-tolerance for paid links to a site. Previously, sites tended to gain ranking on account of the paid links they had pointing to themselves. Bu Google has been working on its algorithm, and the Panda and Penguin updates have been all about cutting down on such spam activities. Now Google delivers a penalty to such a website that has paid back-links. But if you come to think about it, don't ads seem to do the same thing? For example, if you buy an ad slot on a website that points to your own site, then how is that different from links on other websites that you buy?
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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Why might GoogleBot get errors when trying to access my robots.txt file?.

Why might GoogleBot get errors when trying to access my robots.txt file?.

Link to My Blogger Tricks

Why might GoogleBot get errors when trying to access my robots.txt file?.

Posted: 27 Nov 2012 11:27 AM PST


A great thing about Google is, it gives webmasters all the help they need to get their websites into Google's index. There's a nice tool available in Google Webmaster Tools called 'Fetch as GoogleBot'. This tool, as we discussed in our SEO Tips for start-ups, can be a great help diagnosing errors and getting a website in Google's index faster. A robots.txt file is used for crawling efficiency, and preventing certain pages from being crawled etc. Sometimes though, GoogleBot might have difficulty fetching your robots.txt file. Here's a solution from Google to this problem.
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