Sunday, June 20, 2021

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There are lots of AdWords consultants out there. How do you hire the best one?

Posted: 20 Jun 2021 02:45 AM PDT

For businesses to grow, it is almost essential to hire a Google AdWords consultant. Google remains the go-to search engine for billions of people around the world. Appearing at or near the top of search results for people looking for what you sell is vital to stay on top of your game. 
Hiring a Google AdWords consultant enables you to pick up leads while you run your business. They key is to find a consultant that can get to know your business then apply their expertise to turn that into good campaign ads and copy.  

Once you have made the decision to go ahead and hire a Google AdWords consultant, you need to define your approach to recruitment and campaigns. Set out with your agency what you are trying to achieve with your campaigns. Is it lead generation, or brand awareness? Give your chosen agency the time to find the best formula that gives your firm what it needs from Ads. 

Recruiting and briefing your AdWords management agency

Spending a little time to find and onboard the right AdWords campaign management is an essential step to getting your business in front of the right potential buyers.  By investing a little time, you can be assured you have made the right choice and that your chosen agency will deliver. Once you have a trusted relationship with your agency you know you can rely on them to configure the right campaigns and content to interest your audience.  Having this relationship established will mean you can all agree on timelines and deliverables. AdWords do not achieve success overnight, and some experimentation will be needed to optimize your keywords and other campaign elements. 

Prepare a tight brief

Be clear on what it is you are asking your AdWords consultant to deliver. An agency is only as good as its brief, and it is your responsibility to be as clear as possible. Define what you are looking for your agency to deliver.  Is the focus of your campaign on leads, impressions, or brand awareness? The agency will need to know what they are trying to deliver. It is also important to agree what the agency will need from you to get up and running, and for their ongoing work. How often will they provide you with updates and metrics reviews?  Being realistic about your expectations with your budget is also important. Google AdWords consultants are good at what they do, but they are not miracle workers. Identify your objectives and then be patient about getting results. Striking the right balance between the number and quality of leads is vital.  Once your AdWords campaigns have had time to bed in, you will find that they will deliver great results. The quality of leads from people searching for what you offer is almost always better than you will obtain from other digital marketing channels. 

How will your AdWords consultant add value?

Helping you decide on your strategy is the first value your agency will add. After that when the campaigns are up and running, they will be able to monitor and tweak the campaigns as they progress. Keeping an eye on your stats and keywords is vital, and a quick tweak here or there to capitalize on a good keyword or protect you from a bad keyword is vital.  While it may be tempting to run AdWords campaigns yourself to save money on an outside AdWords service, it is difficult to get up to speed with the technicalities. Specialist agencies have these skills in abundance, which leaves you free to run your business and follow up the leads that will be coming in.  Agencies will also be able to ready your other digital marketing elements to optimize your AdWords campaigns. Small tweaks to landing pages, ad copy and titles and even images can make all the difference. A good agency will also help you establish consistency across all your campaigns which is an important success factor. 

Key questions to ask your agency

Talk your agency through this plan and ask if they are comfortable with it. Be clear about your budget with them and explain that you are in it for the long-haul to establish your firm's digital presence. This will allow the agency to plan and optimize your campaigns without the pressure to deliver instant results.  Making sure you hire an agency you can work and partner with is vital to the success of your campaigns. 

Monday, June 7, 2021

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What Is The Correct Approach To Email Campaigns?

Posted: 07 Jun 2021 03:00 AM PDT

What Is The Correct Approach To Email Campaigns

Effective email campaigns are meticulously strategized, with every detail of these plans being accounted for. 
Because there is such a narrow margin for success, it is important to try and get things right here the first time. After all, many smaller businesses have been struggling in recent times, and larger corporations have not been immune to setbacks considering the coronavirus either. 

An effective email campaign is more important than ever before and may play a crucial role in your firm's overall prospects moving forward.  Therefore, after the jump, you will find some helpful hints on how to correctly approach email campaigns.  

Carefully Manage Customer Data

If you have no insight into the desires of your target market, then your email campaigns will meander helplessly. They may appeal to no man or woman, potentially flaunting a product, service, or special offer that nobody really asked for. Instead of conveying important and conversion worthy information, your emails may simply be perceived as spam for as long as they are unfocused.  Managing your customer data is an excellent starting point to any email campaign that you orchestrate. In doing this, you will gain an intricate overview of what your business needs to accomplish. What promotions could push a popular product or service even further in its appeal? Which demographics resonate most with your business? Do certain locations and industries have more of an affinity with your firm? Tailoring your campaigns accordingly may boast more promising results in future. 

Work with Prolific Email Marketers

Challenging to master alone, some expert input will ensure your email campaigns are a cut above the competition.  Still, there will be a range of options to choose from when it comes to hiring professional email marketers to do support your efforts. Still, fielding your options could become easier when you pit one service against another. This insightful take on Sendinblue vs Mailchimp could be quite informative and equip you with the confidence you need to make a final decision on who to choose. You can witness how one ousts their competition by providing a more cost-effective and speedy service, so reviewing the results of these comparisons for yourself could be quite telling.  Marketing automation and email campaigns are, in the grand scheme of things, still quite new business strategies. To master them yourself would be a full-time role in and of itself, requiring countless hours and resources overtime. Therefore, hiring the experts to help you reach the finish line faster is a good idea. 

Include an Opt-in Feature

It is important that the recipients of your emails elect to be part of your campaign.  Otherwise, your emails will once again likely be construed as spam, and people are constantly searching for new ways to be rid of such things, understandably. Therefore, an opt-in feature to your email campaign can ensure that everything remains consensual, and that you do not ruffle any feathers in spreading the good word of your firm.  Approaching things this way might mean that you also build a customer community simultaneously. Your email campaigns can be something of a digital newsletter of sorts, providing exclusive information and offers that less savvy customers are not privy to. That sense of exclusivity could create an incredibly rewarding atmosphere for your customers, incentivize further engagement, and build brand loyalty also. 

Refine Presentation

If you visualize an important email in your mind, you likely imagine a wall of text. However, email campaigns require much more finesse in their creation.  Email campaigns need to be digestible and user-friendly, so you should take steps to make sure they are not overwhelming in their reading. Steps to take here could include:
  • Balancing your image to text ratio - Remember, not everybody has the patience to stare at their screens and dissect a wealth of information. Ideally, you should incorporate one or two images into your campaign to break up your copy. 
  • Present your case simply – Short sentence structures, a modest template, and clear language will mean that you do not waste the reader's time. Though marketing is often full of characterful rhetoric, email campaigns are likely not the best place for it. 
  • Use graphics strategically – Unsuccessful email campaigns will use graphic design to pad out their offerings or 'make something pretty' to show off. Use yours to draw the reader's eye to the most important part of your campaigns instead. 
  • Offer a single call to action – If your email campaign is littered with calls to action, your firm may be presented as desperate, annoying, or overtly manipulative. If the content of your email campaign is of high quality, a single call to action will suffice. 
These simple presentation techniques should help your email campaign become more effective. It may also generate a heightened perception of professionalism amongst readers and create something that is visually appealing to behold. After all, it is common to be annoyed by online advertisements, and email campaigns can fall into that realm easily. Remove all elements of clutter and anything gauche, and your campaign's prospects should improve.