Friday, May 28, 2021

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4 SEO Strategies To Outrank The Competition

Posted: 28 May 2021 03:28 AM PDT

4 SEO Strategies To Outrank The Competition

Competition amongst businesses on the Internet is said to be very intense. At present, there are hundreds of thousands of websites out there vying for attention from the same group of people you may be eyeing as well. Hence, it's no longer just enough to float and hope that you make it.

Above anything else, your site has to stand out, and better yet, outrank the competition. It's through that achievement that you can confidently say your webpage's increasing its market share, and therefore also heightening your profit-earning potential.

With that said, it's not too late to tweak or improve your current SEO or search engine optimization strategies. In doing so, it's all the more possible to be miles ahead of the competition as a crucial part of your business goals for this year. Here are these strategies:

1. Don't Neglect Keyword Research

Utilizing the right keywords on your website is said to be very important. But, remember that it's not just enough to put in random keywords. You have to make sure that these keywords are effective and that they deliver the desired results.

Hence, the need for thorough keyword research with the help of using the right SEO content optimization tool. Before you start with your SEO game plan or set up, keyword research should serve as your core foundation. In doing so, you're sure that whatever keywords you incorporate into your content are effective in doing their job to deliver better outcomes.

To help you out, here are tips on how to elevate your keyword research process:

  • Have a list of the relevant and important topics, in connection to your business and niche;
  • Research terms that are directly related to your topic; and,
  • Keep in mind the three important factors when choosing keywords: volume, relevance, and authority.

When you follow through with those tips, you may be able to successfully steal your competitors keywords and traffic and gain an edge in the market space.

2. Define Who Your Competitors Are

How can you outrank your competitors if you don't even know who they are? Thus, it's just and fitting to start with building the list of who your best competitors are. Generally, this can be divided into the following categories:

  • Perceived competitors are businesses that offer a different product or service from yours, but that these products and services can be an alternative to yours;
  • Direct competitors are companies that provide exactly the same products and services as you do; and,
  • Indirect competitors are those e-commerce businesses that sell other products and services, but they also have products being sold that are directly competing with yours.

When you know who your competition is, you'll have insights on what your target customers are getting from these rival businesses, that you aren't able to offer yet. This can help you bring  something new and fresh to your website, such that eventually, your website becomes their first choice to visit.

3. Curate Appropriate Content Aligned With Search Intent

In SEO, there's such a term known as 'search intent.' This refers to the core purpose behind every query made on a search engine. When you're able to capture this, you can win every search engine company's standards by eventually ranking on the first page of their search results list.

4 SEO Strategies To Outrank The Competition

For example, you own an e-commerce baking shop. For this period, the search intent for your search focused more on 'how to make the best chocolate chip cookies.' Note that the queries are interested to make it, and not buy it. Thus, your content should be tailored to address these concerns of your target audience who are looking for baking tips.

To help you understand this better, you can group search intent into these four categories:

  • Transactional, where the intent is to buy;
  • Informational, where the intent is that the searcher is looking for specific information that requires more in-depth explanations;
  • Commercial, wherein the searcher is looking for specific products to buy, but haven't made their final decision yet; and,
  • Navigational, which has the searcher looking for specific mobile applications or websites.

4. Increase Your Page Speed

Webpage loading speed is one of the most underrated and overlooked SEO strategies many business owners tend to oftentimes overlook.

When you place too much emphasis on the content, media, and graphics on the website, your page loading speed may suffer as a consequence. Hence, no matter how aesthetically pleasing your website is along with its content, it still won't have the desired number of visitors coming in.

Worse, you may even be driving them away from your site when they decide to bounce back to your competitor's webpage instead - all because they had to wait for too long. This will only hurt your website ranking even more.

Periodically, make it a point to include page loading speed as a part of your website audit.


In closing, it's safe to say that when you have a website, your goal should be to make it to the top ten search results of any given search engine platform. If not, then you're only wasting time running your website. When there are thousands of other websites all over the Internet, you have to make it to this point. Else, the competition will always consistently outrank you. You can start laying the groundwork for better rankings than that of your competitors with the tips above.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

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6 Lead Generation Strategies That Actually Work

Posted: 10 May 2021 02:58 PM PDT

6 Lead Generation Strategies That Actually Work

If you're an entrepreneur, it would be great if your enterprise is attracting and converting prospects and strangers alike. The process of identifying, attracting, and making your target audience your prospects is called lead generation. To attract and convert prospects, you'll need lead generators. Lead generators are strategies that you can use to attract customers and lead them to your offers. Some examples of lead generators are blog posts, online content, live events, job applications, and freebies, and discounted coupons.

You can generate leads by marketing on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Guest blogging and commenting on other blogs can help generate leads. After generating leads, you'll need to convert them into customers. Don't keep them waiting lest they lose interest. Waiting may make them change their minds or move to your competitors. Your sales team needs to have a quick response mechanism. Just as you invested in lead generation, likewise invest in retaining your customers for business continuity. Let your product or service have value distinction, keep your customers happy with tailored products, and do targeted marketing. 

If you want to discover some ways to increase leads, you may consider seeking the services of professional online marketers to grow your business or applying some strategies that are proven to work. 

The six lead generation strategies outlined below work effectively even for startups:

1. Create Irresistible Opt-In Opportunities

You may need to do webinars and live demos or give away free reports, discounted promos, etc. to catch the attention of more online users. Make sure that you don't stop at just one or two opt-ins. Employ every opt-in opportunity that may help you reach out to your prospects.  Add opt-ins to your website's blog posts to grow your email list. Consider giving away recipes, resource guides, informative blog posts in PDF, worksheets, and more. Online users love free stuff! 

Remove your opt-in box from the sidebar; it can be easily ignored in that location. Instead, position it strategically and make it a pop-up graphic. Witfully lead your prospects into decision-making that's favorable both for you and for them. According to, a pop-up can increase conversion rates by 3.09%. Make your prospects say yes easily!

2. Make Clear And Effective Landing Pages

Effective landing pages don't feed the user with a lot of information to process. As much as possible, avoid videos and long copy, unless you aim to provide more information to a prospect regarding an offer. If not, keep things simple and direct to the point. Create a short yet powerful copy that'll convince them to subscribe to your email list or check out your latest offers.

3. Craft Epic Ads

Perhaps you've heard this before and it's here again. Many ads suck! Avoid boring ads and ads that are similar to others. Your ads should be unique to be compelling than your competitors'.  If your competitors offer the same promise to consumers, take advantage of this chance to make something different—an ad that makes you stand out. 

Leverage great ads that can raise CTA responses beyond the average and give your Quality Score or Google rating a mileage. The point here is, create killer ads by showing how you can solve your prospect's problem, relate to them, focus on product benefits, and make your unique selling proposition (USP) clear to them.

4. Have Better Offers

If you're not yet on the list of guru advertisers, then there's plenty of space for conversion rate growth for you. You can do this by creatively giving better offers. For instance, if your company deals in detergents, you can establish a USP that your competitors obviously don't have. Endorse your detergents not only for their effectiveness in cleaning clothes but also in taking care of a mother's hands while doing the laundry. Create a detergent product that doesn't harm the skin! 

This produces better results than typical website optimizations like the changing of font type, button color, and spacing. As part of your marketing campaign, you can also give free coupons and vouchers through email, in print materials like catalogs, or mail product samples to them. 

Most software companies give free trial versions. Lawyers do offer free consultations. So, in what way can your product or service become compelling and unique, providing real value to your prospects? That's huge! 

Give this a special consideration. Your conversions can actually go through the roof with better offers. Little optimizations give birth to little results. Have a big-time offer instead. Thus, use this strategy opportunity and drastically shoot up your conversion rate.

5. Do Crazy Remarketing

This is a strategy that makes you once again appear before your site visitors as they surf the internet, read their emails, search on Google, watch YouTube videos, and hang out on Facebook or other social media platforms. This may accrue some financial expenses. You need to set an appropriate budget that your business can foot. 

lead generation techniques

The advantage of this strategy is that it aids in rekindling your relationship with leads who already abandoned their interest in your business. A big percentage of people leave your landing page even after being beckoned to convert. As a solution to that, remarketing steps up all your other marketing activities—social media marketing, content marketing, etc.—by re-emerging before your audience once again through ads.  

Update and optimize your blogs once again for better outreach campaigns.

6. Use Gmail Ads

Gmail ads are a powerful tool that makes you get at the foresight of your target audience. Gmail ads are interactive ads that show in the promotions and social tabs of your inbox. When you click one of these ads, it may expand just like an email. The expanded ad can include images, video, or embedded forms. They help you connect with potential customers in a more personal format.

You Need Lead Generation Strategies

Lead generation enables you to reach out to customers from different geographical areas who are likely to get interested in your products and services. You aim to gather pertinent data about them, their preferences, and their needs. Such information can help you in tailoring your product or service in a way that meets their needs, wants, and interests. 

Even as you consider generating leads, factor in the aspect of lead quality. SaaS enterprises need to channel their efforts in attracting the right kind of prospects. With lead generation strategies, you'll be able to determine your qualified prospects, the kind of content to give them, and ways to convert them into actual customers. 

Trends reveal that the demand for lead generation will constantly continue to grow, especially among service-oriented businesses. Therefore, make a bold step to start generating leads or level up your lead generation efforts now.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

My Blogger Tricks

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Understanding The Expenses of Starting And Running a Blog

Posted: 03 May 2021 01:04 PM PDT

Do you have something to say? Perhaps you have personal or professional experience you want to share with others? If so, you've probably thought about the idea of starting a blog. It's a digital platform used by individuals and businesses alike to inform, educate, and entertain target audiences. When planned effectively, bloggers can earn a decent income as well. If this is something you're thinking about doing, you should know how much it costs. 

Yes, there are plenty of bloggers that started their platforms with next to nothing. Be that as it may, in order to reach the heights you hope to obtain, there will come a point when you have to invest. Here's a closer look at common expenses for starting and running a blog. 

Hosting And Domain Name

The first things to consider when starting a blog are the hosting platform and domain name. You need a platform to design your website and upload and store your image and content files. Although you could start with a free web host, they often don't provide the same services as they do to paid customers. For example, your domain name will have the web host's extension on it, making it harder for readers to find on the internet. You'll also have limited templates and formatting tools to design a quality blog. Ultimately, web hosting services cost anywhere from $3 - $300 a month. Protecting your website name (domain) will also cost a few bucks a year. 


If you're going to gain a following, you'll need to let people know your blog is out there. Sure, you can try things like SEO, guest blogging, and uploading social media posts, but they aren't as effective as paid marketing strategies. Email marketing, subscription services, and social media marketing are often your best course of action. Again, there are free software and applications you can use, but to get the best value, you'll have to pay a monthly fee. These expenses can average a few bucks a month to several hundred dollars a year. 


You can't start and manage a blog if you don't have the proper technology. At the very least, you'll need internet services and a laptop or desktop computer. If you plan on uploading your images, recording videos, or using various content types like videos, you'll also need to invest in a quality camera and microphone. While some computers come equipped with a camera and microphone already, you may need to invest in something of a higher quality


Beyond paying for the expenses listed above, you'll also need to pay for software and applications to help you maintain your blog. From scheduling posts to storing images and content, you'll need to look into the best resources to keep you on track. This might even include outsourcing some of your content and marketing needs to freelancers for quality and versatility. 

Covering The Costs

As you can see, the costs of starting and running a blog aren't as steep as other business opportunities. Be that as it may, if you don't have the funds upfront to cover the costs you'll need an alternative funding source. You can dip into a personal savings account, reduce household spending and pay for these expenses yourself, sell things you don't need, or apply for a loan. You can find a finance Lawton company to give you a short-term loan to cover the expenses. Keep in mind that whether your blog is successful or not, you'll have to repay these funds.  Blogging is a popular way for people to make extra money. If it's going to be successful, however, you have to be willing to invest. While starting with free tools and software may be the best way to get started, eventually, you'll need to consider upgrading to paid versions to reach the next level. Fortunately, the expenses aren't overwhelming, and with a little financial savvy and creativity, you can do what it takes to make your blog a success.