Friday, February 19, 2021

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The Cryptocurrencies to Watch this Year

Posted: 19 Feb 2021 02:22 AM PST

Cryptocurrency has been steadily gathering pace over the last decade and is becoming a more recognizable concept in the current zeitgeist. With the public becoming more aware of these and taking them up, we have seen the number of cryptocurrencies available skyrocket. With this in mind, we will look at which cryptocurrencies are the ones to watch this year.


How could we do an article about cryptocurrency without mentioning Bitcoin; so here it is. Bitcoin might be a subject we have all reached saturation with, but not everyone is up to speed. Bitcoin was the original cryptocurrency; this privileged position has given it countless hours of promotional opportunities and a place in many businesses ' estimations that it is more trustworthy. We have seen many banks and other financial institutions that offer ways of using Bitcoin in the mainstream, such as these pre-paid Bitcoin payment cards. Bitcoin does not look like losing its prime position anytime soon and looks like being a major player this year and beyond.


Ripple is technically not a new cryptocurrency, originally released in 2012, but it went through a stabilization upgrade and was relaunched back in 2018. The most interesting thing about Ripple is its break from crypto tradition by not using blockchain technology. The technology for encryption is a network of validating servers using tokens known as XRP, or 'Ripples'. This technology is popular with several mainstream banks and financial institutions allowing Ripple to be used by them.


Tether is an interesting take on the cryptocurrency idea. It is encrypted using the traditional blockchain technology pioneered by Bitcoin. But the creators of Tether identified one fact that was holding back the full adoption of cryptocurrency by the masses. Namely that it was not backed by any real-world reserves like cash investments at the bank is. Tether promises that all coins are backed by real-world assets, such as traditional cash and other financial investments. Customers can buy USDT with the peace of mind usually only offered by major financial institutions.


Etherium is an interesting take on the cryptocurrency phenomenon, as its encryption runs the cryptocurrency, and many other apps. The system is not only a currency but operates as a programming language as well. This combination gives a unique payment platform available to developers when making apps using the programming language. It is a popular cryptocurrency with consumers and developers alike.


Cosmos is a blockchain technology that works on the premise that crypto factions should not focus on division and work against each other. They strive to bring them all together, enabling interoperability, currency exchanges, and an Internet of Blockchains (IoB). Cosmos uses Tendermint Core, an open-source blockchain development platform. Cosmos provides a ready-made implementation service that allows developers to create their own decentralized/distributed network. This exciting interactive and collaborative approach will bring a new era of cryptocurrency interdependency. Overall, the crypto market is looking strong and these main contenders look set to dominate the market for some time to come. This article has been contributed on behalf of Paxful. However, the information provided herein is not and is not intended to be, investment, financial, or other advice. 

Sunday, February 14, 2021

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4 Management Strategies For Your Business

Posted: 14 Feb 2021 07:35 AM PST

Growth is the most essential element in any business. Growth not only guarantees the survival of your business, it also ensures that your business continues to thrive and expand. The goal of every entrepreneur is to see their business reach the height of it's potential. Watching your business remain stagnant is a truly terrible thing, but there is a way to prevent stagnancy. 
The best way to ensure your business continues to grow is to adopt solid management strategies. Developing and executing these strategies, will ensure that all the elements your business needs to grow and thrive are in place and functioning optimally.  Here are some key management strategies you can employ to ensure your company succeeds:
  • Set Properly Constructed Goals And Stick To Them
This might seem like a no-brainer—after all, every management book in existence emphasizes on goal-setting. However, goal setting is often treated lightly or just done incorrectly. Entrepreneurs often confuse goals with desires and simply write their desires in their journals without the slightest clue as to how they will achieve them.  A goal is an X mark that clearly identifies and highlights a place you desire to get to. But like every X mark, a goal should be the end result of intense and diligent mapping. If you don't know how to achieve your goal, then it is merely a desire, a wish. This is especially important in a business setting where the environment wants you to fail. No one wants your business to succeed as much as you do so it's important to make sure you're not engaging in wishful thinking disguised as goal-setting.  A goal must include details of how you're going to achieve it. What parts of your business do you have to change? What things do you have to introduce? Consider every element, every component. Consider how all these components will function optimally and how they'll complement other components in the process of getting you to your goal. Be completely honest and realistic.   A good idea is to set a long-term goal, then write down all the factors in your business that exist presently that are stopping you from getting to that goal, then write a separate list of all the things you need to start doing that will get your business to a desired place.  Without careful analysis based on explicit knowledge your business will remain stagnant. Unless you set the conditions for success, you'll inevitably fail. And you definitely don't want that.
  • Become Customer Obsessed
Your customers are your source of income. This fact alone should make you very customer conscious. Your business will not get anywhere if your customers aren't satisfied, so all your plans should be geared towards customer satisfaction.  Study your customers obsessively. What do they like? What do they complain about? Create opportunities for your customers to communicate with you. Most customers will not want to make complaints for fear of being labeled a 'Karen', however your customer's complaints are a goldmine. Customer complaints create opportunities for you to improve your business.  Work hard at creating an atmosphere that is accommodating for your customers. This way you will not only retain your customers, you will also create new, happy customers. 
  • Stay Updated
Management is extremely difficult because it requires you to have a full grasp of every component of your business while still striving to discover new information that's relevant to your business's success. A lot of successful businesses fail because they do not pay attention to new information. You have to create time each day for learning. Whether that means learning details about your competition, or learning about new technology that could improve your service and delivery.  Make sure you're always a mile ahead. You mustn't allow yourself to be caught by surprise at any point. This is why the world's most successful CEO's are always reading and scouring the internet for new and valuable information. The effort and time you put into managing your business will determine its success.   
  • Have Useful People Working For You
You might not be able to afford to pay the best people in your chosen field to work for you, however, selecting a team is a task you must pay a lot of attention to. No matter how good you are at what you do, no matter how excellent your management skills are, if you don't have the right people working for you, your business can't grow.  You have to employ people who are more skilled than yourself. That way, there'll be no one slowing the team down. It's important that the people you hire are very skilled at their jobs because the opposite will mean a decline in the quality of your service. Take your time to curate the best team you can afford.   Concluding Thoughts Management strategies are developed with the intent of maintaining growth and success in your business. The above strategies, if employed, will ensure growth. However, dedication is the secret ingredient that will make these strategies effective. Your business requires and deserves your full attention. Good luck!

Most common reasons for losing money at trading

Posted: 14 Feb 2021 05:26 AM PST

When traders start investing money in Forex trading, two things can happen. One is making profit, and the other is losing the capital. A recent analysis shows that about 75-80% of the traders' loss of money after involving in this sector. Many of them leave the profession as there are some changes to lose the assets. So, investors should try to analyze the reasons for losing money in this sector. After solving this problem, investors can easily make some quick and effective decisions about their careers. 

Today we will discuss about the main reasons that are liable for losing money. Both newcomers and the veteran traders should read this article carefully. Then they could easily make some effective decisions in this industry. 

Lack of discipline It is the primary reason for losing money. Three things can focus discipline. The first one is to follow the routine that can include the monthly plan. Many of the investment processes get out of control just because you are not maintaining the proper techniques and practices. Secondly, the traders should trade with the stop-loss only. ETF trading is not as easy as it seems. You must follow strict rules and take trades with managed risk. Embrace your losing orders and never break the rules. Stick to your trading system and you will succeed. 

As a new trader in Hong Kong, you should try to make profit consistently. Sometimes the process becomes more challenging, and discipline cannot be maintained clearly. As a result, some potential loss occurs. So, try to make deals systematically, and that will be easier for gaining success. Disciplinary actions are a precondition of preventing the loss of capital. 

Panic in trending market 

One of the reasons for losing money in this competitive market is panic. In this market, when you will panic, other investors will get the chance to earn a profit. 

When you are in an unstable condition, a loss is expected. As it is a volatile market, traders should be aware of the dire situation. Investors can follow some basic rules and tactics. When you do not panic, your performance will be better. 

Trading against the continuous market 

Trading against the persistent condition of the market will be another reason for that in this sector. If an investor goes in the opposite direction of the trending movement, it will be harder to make continuous profit. So, they should cope with the trending situation and make some decision which are favorable for gaining success in a very short time. If traders do not do that, most of the time, they will face difficulties. 

Start without capital limit This is a crucial part of the trading profession. Investors should put a limit on their maximum loss at different levels. Each and every deal should be maintained with the stop losses.

Traders should set the limit for losses in a single deal. If the failure happens in the very first hour, then the next deals should be stopped due to some inconvenience. The limit of the capital should be maintained carefully. Otherwise, the loss of capital will continue. Experienced traders in this sect often suggest adding some capital management strategies into your trading plan. It can be efficient for minimizing the potential loss of money. 

Try to recover quickly Intraday traders, as well as other investors, should try to recover their losses very quickly. If you want to be successful in this profession, this method should be followed regularly. Recovery is easy if you put your heart and soul into it. Sometimes a limit is set for the investment and recovery of losses is also easy. 

These are the common reasons for losing money in the stock market. Losses are part of any deal. So do not panic and make some sound decisions for quick recovery to overcome your losses.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

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7 Effective Webinar Marketing Strategies

Posted: 09 Feb 2021 02:50 PM PST

7 Effective Webinar Marketing Strategies

Webinars are still viable marketing tools in 2021. With a webinar, you can deliver tremendous value to your audience, attract a wider audience to your brand, and help establish your brand as an expert in the field. There are so many ways to use a webinar—from product tutorials and training sessions to interviews and beyond. If you've never hosted a webinar, it might be time for you to give it a try.

Let's take a look at seven webinar marketing strategies so you can get the most out of your online events. These tips apply to both live stream webinars and pre-recorded webinars.

1. A Well-Planned Webinar Will Always Yield Better Results

Even if you have engaging content, a narrowed-down target audience, and the right SEO strategy, your webinar can still fall apart and never reach its goal if you're not planning properly. Webinars require a lot of research and planning, and you shouldn't neglect that aspect of the event. A well-planned webinar, much like a meeting or conference call, requires special attention to detail and planning.

That being said, it's a good idea to use an agenda or similar tool to guide yourself and your audience through the webinar. An agenda acts as a roadmap, and your audience will find it useful to know what's coming next. Don't make the mistake of throwing together a sloppy live stream. Your audience will recognize quality content when they see it, and it's easy to tell when someone's unorganized and scrambling to get on track.

2. Narrow Down Your Target Audience

Finding the right audience for your presentation is a task in and of itself. But when you successfully narrow down your target audience, you're gaining an advantage that can't be overstated. When you're marketing something, you have to be as specific as possible for the best results. Vagueness has no place here.

What does your target audience member look like? Where do they congregate? What products or services similar to yours are they interested in? How old are they? Gender? These are important questions you must ask before targeting a specific audience. Creating a customer profile is a good place to start. You'll essentially create a character sheet for your ideal customer. 

3. Use The Right Platform

Of course, even with the best strategy, you'll still be limited (or not) by the platform you choose to host your webinar on. If you're using something like Facebook Live, you're not going to get that professional look that you need to truly sell what you're doing. Yes, social media platforms have a lot of reach, but you want a professional standard to set your brand apart.

Choosing a webinar service like Vast gives you all the tools you need to take your live stream events and webinars to the next level. Webcasting and webinar hosting is affordable, accessible, and gives you the power of customization over your content.

4. Use Your Networking Connections To Spread The Word

When you've written the material for your webinar, it's time to reach out to those networking connections you've created over the years. Turn to sites like LinkedIn, where you'll find thousands of professionals who may be interested in your webinar content.

Be sure to be descriptive—tell your connections exactly what your webinar aims to achieve, and how they can participate. It's good to offer some kind of incentive when possible also. Many companies will offer discounted courses or products to attendees.

5. An Effective SEO Strategy Matters

Don't forget about your webinar's SEO strategy. If you're not ranking keywords related to your webinar, no one will be able to find it. Even after it's already recorded or streamed, it should be put on your website and ranked with the proper keywords.

6. Create Engaging Content

The most important part of creating webinars is making your content engaging. With a good strategy, engaging content can increase viewer retention and brand awareness, but don't make the mistake of thinking the two are separate. You can't have a good strategy without engaging content, and vice versa.

Engaging content evokes emotion, teaches a skill or information, and keeps everyone focused throughout the presentation. If you're pre-recording your webinars, it's a good idea to let someone watch them before you post them. You might be surprised at how much insight just one viewer can give you.

7. Review Your Performance

You should also be reviewing your content, especially after you've finished the live stream. Many webinar platforms will provide real-time insights and analytics, so you can see exactly how your webinar is performing. It's good to know what your audience looks like, where they're from, and whether or not they stayed engaged with your content.