Wednesday, January 20, 2021

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How Do Bad Neighbors Affect Home Prices?

Posted: 19 Jan 2021 01:20 PM PST

Have you ever moved because of a bad neighbor? Maybe the tenants above you like to tap dance late at night, or your next-door neighbors throw loud parties every weekend. What about the building resident that sets off the fire alarm every morning making breakfast? The great part about renting property is that, in these situations, it's easy to pick up and leave. Unfortunately, if you purchase a home next to a bad neighbor, you're in it for the long haul, especially if they own their property, too. Here are a few ways that a bad neighbor can influence the price of your home.

Curb appeal

If you don't live in a neighborhood with an HOA, there's probably no regulation on how your neighbors choose to decorate their home and lawn. And, while it sounds great to have no regulations, that also means your neighbor has a right to let their grass grow to an absurd height or let an old vehicle sit on the front yard for 20 years. This can actually lower the price of your home, and may also scare away potential buyers. Who wants to look at a rusted old clunker every day from their porch? If you're wondering "What is my home worth?" you should take what's around you into consideration, including on your neighbor's lawn.

Home worth

Even if you spend a million dollars building a dream home in your neighborhood, it doesn't mean you'll get a million back when you're ready to sell, especially if the other homes in your neighborhood are selling for much less. When your home is appraised before sale, the appraiser will look at other homes in the area to determine the value of your own. That means if a similar home down the block is in complete disarray and the one next door is in foreclosure, the value of your home will be brought down. If these homes are neglected, it can also be visually unappealing for buyers looking to move into the neighborhood.

Criminal Behavior

Before purchasing a home, many people look at crime records in the area, particularly if they're looking for a home to raise a family. If the area is high in crime or residents of the area have a criminal background, you may find yourself settling for a lot less than asking price on your home. Records for sex offenders are easily accessible online, and if you're living near a convicted felon, expect the price of your house to drop.

Blockchain In the Aviation Industry

Posted: 19 Jan 2021 12:42 PM PST

Blockchain In the Aviation Industry
The aviation industry is always evolving and changing to include modern technologies. There have been great innovative strides in the past few decades. However, with new technology comes new threats. Two of the biggest challenges in the aviation industry are cybersecurity and customer experience. Blockchain can help with the safety and reinforcement of all three. It is defined as a new way of recording and encrypting information that makes it extremely difficult or even impossible to hack.

Role of Blockchain In Airline Industry

The first big challenge is cybersecurity. New technologies in cockpit communications include controller-pilot data link communications (CPDLC). CPLDC is beneficial because it enhances ATC surveillance and communication. Because of that, mid-air collision risk is greatly decreased and also decreases the amount of non-essential communications on radio frequencies. However, they are not protected. "These communications often contain very sensitive information," said Jim Kazin, NBAA's Security Council chairman, flight department captain, and aviation security advisor. "Since the transmissions are not encrypted or otherwise protected, there is a possibility of someone injecting false information."

Other security threats come from online sources of flight department administration. Digital blockchain documents, remote systems, schedules, information stored in the cloud, and more. Those are all essential for the airline business but are extremely easy to hack and manipulate. 

"Data and software are everywhere within the flight department." "Almost everything we do is in some type of software-based system. These systems are subject to hacking and data corruption." Said Kazin. The levels of extra encryption and security added by implementing blockchain would be extremely beneficial to the protection of valuable information. It would eliminate most if not all of the security problems in the aviation cyber universe. Blockchain has not yet been implemented in aviation. However, it is being tested by many airlines.

In an article by Lufthansa Industry Solutions, Dr. Lars Schwabe, Director of Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain states "Blockchain technology is still in its infancy. However, as a neutral information documentation system, it has huge application potential. For example, it could increase transparency in flight maintenance. For this reason, Lufthansa Industry Solutions has initiated the initiative Blockchain for Aviation (BC4A)."

The second challenge in the aviation industry is customer experience. Cybersecurity is a huge part of the customer experience. Customers trust the airlines with all their information. Their passports, social security, credit card information, and much more.

All of that information is very sensitive but is also very easy for hackers to get a hold of. According to a study conducted by ImmuniWeb on cybersecurity, 97 out of 100 of the world's largest airports have security risks related to vulnerable web and mobile applications, misconfigured public cloud, Dark Web exposure, or code repositories leaks.

A further test of 36 official airport smartphone apps found that 100% of the mobile apps contained vulnerabilities, with 15 security or privacy issues detected per app on average.

These are all serious privacy issues and can easily be secured with new Blockchain technologies. When a customer takes a flight on a partnering airline,  transferring the miles/points can be difficult, lengthy, and have errors. Blockchain's smart contracts can simplify that process between airlines and increase customer satisfaction. According to, the SITA lab is testing a blockchain application that would allow passengers to create tokens on their devices that would be accepted across airports and borders. Another way blockchain technology would help with customer satisfaction is by improving ground operations and online departures.

There are many horror stories about flights being delayed for hours upon hours and causing people to miss their connecting flights, or baggage being sent to the wrong location. Blockchain would safely capture real-time data, keep a detailed flight checklist up to date, and coordinate the activities of ground crews, baggage handlers, maintenance, fuel trucks, and more.

In conclusion, blockchain technology would be a game-changer in the aviation industry. It would protect valuable information and resources, coordinate ground operations, and make it close to impossible for hackers to get into flight systems. This technology will make airlines an overall safer and more streamlined, enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

How to Unblock Life of Pi on Netflix?

Posted: 19 Jan 2021 12:26 PM PST

How to Unblock Life of Pi on Netflix

Want to revisit this amazing movie from 2012, or just heard of Life of Pi and want to see what made it so great?

You're definitely in for a treat – that is, if you can get it on Netflix. While you might love the movie or be very interested in it, you're probably not willing to create extra accounts on other sites and pay more fees just to watch it.

So it's available on Netflix, right?

Well, most Google results will tell you that no, it isn't. But that's not true. You can watch Life of Pi on Netflix, but only in specific countries. The movie isn't available worldwide due to geo-blocks and licensing agreements.

We'll show you how to find out which locations the movie is available in, and how to unblock it right now in this guide.

How to Unblock Life of Pi on Netflix

The first thing you need to do is head to StreamCatcher. It's an online tool that belongs to ProPrivacy. They made it to help people find out where Netflix titles are available.

With that in mind, just look up the name of the movie on StreamCatcher. After less than a second, you should get your results. In our case, this is what we saw:


According to the results, you can only watch the movie in South Korea and Germany. That can change as ProPrivacy updates the tool in the near future, though. So don't be surprised if you see new countries added to that list.

Next, you'll need a VPN. That's the best Netflix unblocker there is right now. It stops the site from seeing what country you're from by hiding your IP address. Basically, Netflix will see the VPN's IP instead of your own. You can try NordVPN or PrivateVPN like StreamCatcher suggests. Alternatively, you can also use ExpressVPN or Surfshark. Those providers allowed us to unblock Life of Pi on Netflix too.

Once you decided on a provider, buy a subscription from them. Then, log into your account's dashboard and download the right VPN app for your device.

Now, run the app, and connect to a German or South Korean server. Pick the closest one to your current location to get the best speeds. So, if you're in Europe, use a German server.

And you're done! All that's left is to head to Netflix, log into your account, and look up Life of Pi. It should show up for you now, so go ahead and have fun with it!

Can You Use Other VPN Server Location to Unblock Life of Pi?

Maybe. We can't say for sure. It's very likely that this movie is available in other countries too. You can ask people on r/VPN or r/NetflixViaVPN where else you can watch Life of Pi. Or you can just test different VPN server locations until you find one that works.

Whatever happens, just be sure to let us know in the comments. We'd really love to know what other VPN server regions people can use to watch this awesome Netflix title.

Will a VPN Improve Your Netflix Speeds?

No. That's a pretty common misconception, actually – that VPNs increase online speeds. It's actually the other way around – they decrease them!


Because VPNs rely on your original speeds. Your traffic won't go directly to Netflix. Instead, it will first visit the VPN server, and only after that head to Netflix's web servers. That little stop means it'll take longer for data packets to travel between Netflix and your device.

What's more, VPNs encrypt and decrypt your traffic. That also takes its toll on your Internet speeds.

Don't worry, though – you probably won't experience severe slowdowns. The providers we mentioned in this article all offer high-speed servers and unlimited bandwidth. Your VPN speeds should still be fast enough to allow you to enjoy Netflix – even in 4K!

One Exception When You Might Get Better Speeds

VPNs can potentially deliver faster Netflix speeds if your ISP is throttling them (intentionally lowering them, basically).

How come?

It's simple – to throttle your speeds, your ISP analyzes your traffic to see what web services you're spending their precious data on. They know you're using Netflix, so they're able to slow down your Netflix speeds.

But when you use a VPN, your ISP can't spy on your web traffic anymore. If they try to do that, they'll just see gibberish. For example, instead of seeing that you're sending requests to, they'll only see stuff like "OFS2sKuBAMlbfFv6gKt6Lw==."

Without that crucial information, they won't have any way to throttle your speeds. So, in a way, VPNs can "increase" your Netflix speeds.

Just keep in mind this is a special exception, and it's not really the norm for everyone.

Which VPN Protocol Should You Use to Unblock Life of Pi?

It's not a matter of which protocol works with Life of Pi, because all of them do. It has more to do with which VPN protocol offers the best speeds – considering that many of you will have to connect to VPN servers that are very far from your current geo-location.

To get the best speeds, you should avoid OpenVPN. Instead, try using one of the following:

  • L2TP/IPSec
  • IKEv2
  • WireGuard
  • Lightway (ExpressVPN-only)

The Bottom Line

While Life of Pi is available on Netflix, you can't watch it in all the 190+ countries where the service is available. Right now, it only seems like the movie is watchable in Germany and South Korea. So, you'll need to use a German or South Korean VPN server to unblock it.

If you have any other questions about this topic, please leave them in the comments below. We'll do our best to answer them as soon as we can. Also, if you have any feedback you'd like to offer, we'd be more than happy to hear it.