Tuesday, December 29, 2020

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Choosing a Corporate Video Agency To Promote Your Business

Posted: 29 Dec 2020 06:25 AM PST

Corporate Video Agency

Commissioning a video agency to produce top quality content to portray your firm is a great plan. You can combine your knowledge of your firm, customers and market with the agency's skills in turning that into engaging video is a perfect combination. 

Well-produced video can achieve a variety of goals for your firm. Lead generation and new traffic to your website are the most obvious benefits you will get from a quality video production. But you can also use video to build brand awareness and brand values. The better the end product of your video, the longer its shelf life will be and the best return on investment you will achieve from it.

Selecting your video production agency

Having made your decision to go ahead and engage a video production company, it is worth spending some time on making the right selection. Just as you would spend time on hiring a new employee, it is important to treat the process for hiring a corporate video production company in the same way. 

Look for an agency that is prepared to understand your business and offerings, and can guide you on how to convey these in the most effective way to your audience. The first job will be to establish your primary goals for your video. Is it designed to sell, train, educate, explain, or create emotion in your viewers?

A clued-up agency will be able to consult you on effective calls to action to include at the end of your video. Will you simply display a web address? Or will you entice your viewers to visit a specific landing page to find out more information? 

There's lots of choice – but use this to your advantage

As you will find from a quick Google search, the market for corporate video production companies is becoming more and more saturated. While this is good because it is easy to find an agency, it can also make it more difficult to find the best one to suit your business.

This is an increasingly important point, because you need a video partner that can understand your business in order to create the best content possible. Given that over 80 percent of businesses now have some kind of video or another, simply producing a video is no longer adequate. You need to ensure the quality is good, and the message is an enticing one to generate awareness and leads. 

Ask your shortlisted agencies some key qualifying questions. Will you be assigned a specific account manager or producer? Are tasks outsourced to junior staff, or will more experienced professionals handle your account? Are they the kind of agency that simply wants a brief and content from you, or do they want to understand your business first? And also find out how many revisions and edits you will get if you do not like the first draft. 

These are all vital questions to ask if your venture into video is to be successful. With so many companies now using video, yours needs to stand out for the right reasons!

Saturday, December 12, 2020

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Top 4 Examples Of Great VPN Review Articles

Posted: 12 Dec 2020 01:45 AM PST

Top 4 Examples Of Great VPN Review ArticlesThe coronavirus pandemic revolutionized the corporate working environment. Before the pandemic, less than 10 million people worked remotely and this number has risen to approximately 70 million globally.

This fundamental shift has made it necessary for workers to use VPNs. After all, data security cannot be overlooked, and working from home doesn't come with a secure network and a dedicated IT division. This is where VPNs come into play.

A virtual private network encrypts your data and masks your IP address, protecting you from malicious hackers. If you're looking for an effective VPN, here are 4 great review articles that will help you make an informative decision.

VPN Testing Review

VPN Testing has compiled a review of the best VPN services in 2020 for remote workers looking to maximize security and maintain online anonymity.

This review was based on various tests conducted on different VPNs, through which they assessed different factors including; price, customer support, security, bandwidth caps, ease of remote access, logging, server locations, dynamic and dedicated IP, etc.

The VPNs reviewed in this article are:

    • ExpressVPN
    • NordVPN
    • PIA VPN
    • Surf Shark
    • IPVanish
    • ProtonVPN

      They've also tested other VPNs including StrongVPN, PureVPN, Norton Secure VPN, etc.


      TechRadar has garnered a reputation for giving the best tech buying advice so it's no surprise that they have reviewed various VPNs. They have subdivided the review into categories; the 3 best VPNs overall and a fully comprehensive list of the best VPNs in 2020.

      Their review includes the devices that are compatible with a particular VPN, unblocked streaming sites, customer support, number of servers and their locations, devices supported, number of available countries, and whether there is a trial period.

      The reviewed VPNs include; ExpressVPN, NordVPN, Surf Shark, Hotspot Shield, PIA VPN, etc. You can read their review here. They also have user ratings next to the VPN, easing your decision-making process.


      ZDNet helps professionals in the technology sector to keep up with the latest IT trends. They also conduct market analysis and product reviews for IT products, including VPNs.

      Other than the 3 major VPN, ZDNet has also reviewed; IPVanish, ProtonVPN, VyprVPN, Norton Secure VPN, StrongVPN, Hotspot Shield, among others.

      Some of the criteria they used to review the VPNs include; the maximum number of connections, compatible devices, logging, countries available, server locations, and trial period.

      Neil Patel

      Even though the Neil Patel blog is mainly focused on digital marketing, they also discuss the tools the entrepreneurs can use to succeed in the online space, including VPNs. In addition to the 3  major ones, they've also reviewed Perimeter 81, VyprVPN, Mullvad, and TunnelBear.

      Unlike the rest of the reviews, Neil Patel has also discussed the different criteria you should use to choose a VPN. You can check out the rest of the review here.

      Best VPN Services 2020

      If you've shifted into a remote working environment then a VPN will help keep your data safe and secure. This is especially so when you have to access the company's servers from the comfort of your home. Make sure you go through the above reviews before purchasing a VPN.

      Wednesday, December 9, 2020

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      Managed vs. Unmanaged VPS Hosting - Which is Best For You?

      Posted: 09 Dec 2020 02:00 AM PST

      Managed vs. Unmanaged VPS Hosting - Which is Best For You?

      Selecting a hosting plan is among the first steps you need to take when creating a website. A hosting plan is what allows your site to be viewed on the internet. The hosting provider you choose will store your site on their servers, and those servers will then display the necessary data to visitors. There are a variety of different hosting plans available. When you first get your site up and running, you will probably use a shared hosting plan. However, as your site grows and you begin receiving more visitors, you will need the capabilities of a virtual private server (VPS).

      A VPS hosting plan hosts your site on a server that has been segmented into several virtual servers. Each VPS is entirely separate from the rest of the virtual servers. Every virtual server has its own copy of the operating system, functions independently from the other servers, and has its own resources. With a VPS, you can quickly scale resources such as CPU, RAM, and disk space to accommodate increased traffic. This is why growing sites choose VPS hosting over shared hosting.

      The Two Types of VPS Hosting

      There are two types of VPS hosting: managed and unmanaged. With managed hosting, the web host provider handles all server-related issues. By contrast, unmanaged hosting leaves all the heavy-lifting in your hands. You will be required to do everything from setting up the server to configuring the applications to monitoring the VPS.

      Advantages of Managed VPS Hosting

      • Ideal for non-technical customers who have little or no knowledge of setting up and configuring a server and its applications.
      • Perfect for customers who want to focus their time on their website's front-end rather than the back-end.
      • Customers receive 24/7/365 monitoring by the web hosting provider, providing peace of mind and guaranteeing reliable uptime.
      • Users can quickly scale their website with server resources like CPU, RAM, and bandwidth, whenever they want them.
      • The hosting provider will tweak your server, boosting its performance and ability to accommodate traffic.

      Disadvantages of Managed VPS Hosting

      • The cost of managed VPS plans tends to be higher.
      • Users have less flexibility concerning software and plugins.
      • There is limited access to account configuration options.

      Advantages of Unmanaged VPS Hosting

      • Tech-savvy users have the freedom to do whatever they want with their VPS.
      • These plans tend to be cheaper because the customer does the bulk of the work.
      • You can customize and manage the security level of your server.

      Disadvantages of Unmanaged VPS Hosting

      • It requires a high degree of technical knowledge, so it isn't ideal for beginners or non-technical users.
      • It requires an enormous amount of time to set up, taking time away from other tasks like marketing.
      • This plan requires users to be continually monitoring their applications and server, which can be strenuous.

      Weighing Your Options

      When deciding between managed and unmanaged VPS hosting, you need to consider your abilities and your budget. If your budget only allows for unmanaged hosting, you can always teach yourself the basics of server management. However, you have to remember that managing the server will take time away from other aspects of your business. So you have to ask yourself, can I afford to put time towards the server, or will other things suffer? For this reason, even if you have the technical know-how, you may choose to go with managed hosting. Managed hosting takes a huge load of work off your back. Selecting this option may cost more, but it will save more in time.

      Additionally, you need to consider the security of your site.  If you choose managed hosting, your provider will keep your server secure. However, if you choose unmanaged hosting, you will have to make sure your server is secure. This will require a lot of knowledge and time.  You will need to be comfortable configuring features like SSL certificates, CDN, site backups, firewalls, and DNS settings.


      If your website is growing, you need a VPS hosting plan. You can either get a managed or an unmanaged VPS plan. With a managed plan, everything is taken care of for you. Your hosting provider will monitor and take care of your server's resources. They will also make updates and upgrades accordingly. This is an ideal solution for users who lack the time or the knowledge to manage a server themselves. Unmanaged plans, on the other hand, require that you manage the server yourself. This means that it will be up to you to monitor your server's resources and make upgrades and updates as necessary. This can be time-consuming and requires a fair amount of technical knowledge. Therefore this plan is best for users who have the time and the experience for server maintenance.

      Tuesday, December 1, 2020

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      Why Do You Need a PPC Agency

      Posted: 19 Nov 2020 12:52 PM PST

      The time and effort that goes into digital marketing are often much more than a company can manage on their own. It's not a viable option for many companies to hire someone in-house to take on all the work they need for this. You'll likely end up needing multiple people for all the work you need, which is why an agency is the best option for most companies. For example, if you're interested in PPC, an agency will be the best way of getting the help you need. With a good PPC agency, you have the resources you need to achieve your digital marketing goals.

      Here are a few reasons you need a PPC agency.

      Expert Knowledge of PPC

      PPC can be complicated and isn't something you can learn quickly or easily if you want to be successful at it. You might be able to pick up some things on your own, but it's far from everything you need to know. Even if you have a marketing team, they may not be completely dedicated to working with just PPC and will have to balance other tasks along with it. A PPC agency will have professionals who understand all the ins and outs of the industry. This is a level of expertise that you won't get many other places, which makes working with extremely valuable.

      PPC Can Change Quickly

      The work that goes into a PPC campaign isn't something that can be done and then be left alone for a while. Things can change quickly, and something that's worked for you won't always be effective. You need to always be on top of things when it comes to PPC, which can be difficult if you have other things going on. A PPC agency will constantly monitor how things are going and can quickly make the right changes when they need to. There are always new things and trends happening in PPC, and you can be sure that a PPC agency is staying up to date.

      It Can Save Money and Time

      As you can see, a huge amount of time can go into getting positive results from a PPC campaign. Chances are, your business probably doesn't have this much free time lying around to dedicate towards this. You might consider hiring a PPC specialist so they can spend all of their time on this, but taking on a new employee, even a part-time one, is a big expense. A PPC agency is a much more cost-effective route. Not only can this help you save money, but it gives you access to a whole team of PPC specialists with knowledge and resources.

      They Can Prove Your Campaign is Effective

      Of course, you want to know that your money is being well spent. While working with a PPC agency is going to be an additional cost for your business to take on, they'll be able to show you it's worth it. A PPC specialist knows how to analyze the data that shows how you're performing, so there's proof of whether it is or isn't working. Your PPC agency can track your campaign's success and report it back to you so that you can clearly see why investing in PPC services is such a smart choice.