Monday, April 29, 2019

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How to Optimize Your PDF Files to Get a Featured Snippet

Posted: 25 Apr 2019 08:30 AM PDT

How to Optimize Your PDF Files to Get a Featured Snippet

A while back, Google only used content from websites to get a featured snippet. At the time, most of the web owners and managers solely focused on creating the appropriate HTML files. Today, however, Google has embraced diversity because PDF files can now get featured snippets. As a result, digital marketers who rely on PDFs to create content can now employ the best practices to helps optimize their PDFs to receive featured snippets.

Here are some of the most effective strategies that you could employ.

1. Have an appropriate title and file name

If you wish to optimize your PDF files to get a features snippet, then it is imperative for you to come up with a suitable title and file name. It should be SEO friendly for your PDF file to appear above other results in a search engine. To come up with an appropriate name, you have to conduct adequate research to find out the most relevant keywords

2. Optimize on the mobile experience

Initially, mobile phones were never meant for viewing PDF files. However, over time applications have been developed and people can now view such files using their smartphones. That notwithstanding, the majority of people use their phones to surf the internet as opposed to using a desktop.

As a result, you need to ensure that the mobile user experience is good. You can do that by formatting your PDF files so that the texts are aligned on the left side. Nobody wants to scroll on different angles to view the files. You can also use bold text, sub-headers, and bullet points to make your files more user-friendly.

3. Keep your file size as small as possible

Another effective strategy that will see your PDF files get a featured snippet is by keeping the file size as small as you can. The smaller the size of a file, the better it is for SEO. Larger files take longer to load, and they may negatively influence the user experience. Nobody wants to spend ten minutes waiting for a file to load, while, they can get similar content on a file that loads in a minute.

4. Link the PDF files to your website

You can also optimize by linking your files to your website. By doing so, you alert the search engines that the content on your site is relevant. You can also employ useful SEO strategies such as adding internal links to help boost traffic to your site. When PDF files are linked in a website, search engines will index them. this is one tip that is often overlooked, but one which can help you get amazing results.

5. Have PDF and HTML versions of the content

Another way to optimize PDF files for SEO is by having an HTML and PDF version available. This could have positive results on your site and possibly generate more traffic. Ensure that the landing page takes the HTML format.

6. Use keywords in the document description

Keywords play a significant role in ranking content higher on such engines. As a result, you need to use your keywords strategically to help your documents get a featured snippet. Ensure that your files' descriptions have the most relevant keywords.

7. Have compelling content

Search engines crawl in search of high-quality content. And this is one of the things that helps provide higher SEO rankings. Therefore, you should not compromise on the quality of your writing if you want your PDFs to get a featured snippet. Ensure to write informative content every time.

8. Exercise patience

You should not expect your PDF files to get featured snippets immediately you post them. No. Take your time to find the most relevant content, then employ proper strategies to help Google index your content.


Everybody wants their content to rank higher on search engines, especially now that Google allows PDF files to get a featured snippet. For that to happen, however, you must employ the most appropriate strategies, such as those mentioned above. You also have to ensure that your PDF files have high-quality and relevant content to enhance their chance of getting a featured snippet.

For more information, click

Sunday, April 28, 2019

My Blogger Tricks

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ICO Means 'Best Exit Scam': A criminal's Guide To Become a Millionaire – Chapter[2.12] R[26]

Posted: 27 Jul 2018 01:35 PM PDT

ICO is a wolf in lambs clothing

An ICO is the best example of not only an exit scam but also of a wolf in lamb's clothing.

Nick Szabo (Nakamoto Satoshi) did not only create the first P2P electronic currency that made anonymous and unregulated transactions a possibility and but he also inspired thousands fraudsters to use his open source Bitcoin code to create a new cryptocurrency in less than 2 hours and then use the ethereum network to run an "Initial Coin Offering (ICO)" crypto-crowdfunding campaign and sale these worthless cryptocurrency tokens for millions of dollars to non-techy investors!

For those who don't know what ICO is:

An initial coin offering (ICO) or initial currency offering (derived form initial public offering (IPO)) is a means of crowdfunding centered around cryptocurrency, which can be a source of capital for startup companies.

In an ICO, a quantity of the crowdfunded cryptocurrency is sold to investors in the form of "tokens", in exchange for legal tender or other cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin or ethereum. These tokens are promoted as future functional units of currency if or when the ICO's funding goal is met and the project launches.


At the time of writing, there are over 18,000 forkes of the original bitcoin code at github repository. To create your own cryptocurrency, you can simply use the bitcoin code or the Litecoin code (a compressed/optimized bitcoin fork).

The steps of creating your own cryptocurrency are extremely easy if you know some basic C++ and know how to handle compiler errors and fix them. This is what fraudsters do:

  1. It roughly takes less than 2 hours to create a new altcoin (alternatives to bitcoin) under your own unique name say for instance MBTcoin. Developers follow free step-by-step tutorials to create a new altcoin, check this as example.
  2. You just need to download the Litecoin full source code from github, setup the environment and libs and finally compile your code. (Alternatively you can also create a new cryptocurrency using Ethereum in less than 20 minutes. )
  3. Make some design changes like editing parameters for coin name (like MBTcoin or any crapCoin), block time (set 10 min or 1 min as you wish), difficulty retarget time (1 hour), coin per block halving life (4 years like bitcoin), max coin count(21 million or even 100 million as you wish!), etc.
  4. Once done, test your code by mining some coins, compile your code once you are all convinced and receive no errors.
  5. Can't code? No problem, just a hire a developer from github who will do it for less than $1000.
  6. Hurray!!! You just created a new altcoin called MBTcoin within 2 hours by investing nothing!
  7. Next buy cheap one year shared webhosting from hostgator or godaddy with a 3 years of domain registration for less than $100.
  8. Design time! Buy a fancy ICO wordpress template for less than $15 from themeforest from here and setup your site design on it.
  9. Deploy your Web wallet (allows your users to send/receive your coins, register via email) on a sub-domain of the same site by hiring a developer from github for less than $1000.
  10. Create a Blockchain Explorer (exchanges need it) for another $1000.
  11. Don't know how to write content? No problem, copy content from hundreds of other ICO sites and change the text slightly.
  12. Don't have a team? No problem, Download some stock photos or pictures from linkedin profiles and setup a team page with their brief introduction.
  13. Write a Whitepaper by copying general content from other ICO papers and sell your idea in it. Create a word doc and then convert it to PDF. Add it to your site.
  14. Next create a dummy product or service that you could present to investors so that they could crowdfund your worthless tokens. Create an android app or an ecommerce site or even a logo designer site via a south Asian freelancer for less than $1000. Show fake stats and clients testimonials on your app or site. Don't worry you can buy reviews, fanpage likes and app downloads etc for less than $500 from sites like fiverr or facebook groups.
  15. How to convince people that your worthless cryptocurrency which is backed by a dummy product or service is a digital gold? Buy paid articles from cryptocurrency news blogs for $500-$2000 , sponsor some vlogs on youtube for less than $2000 and also buy sponsored tweets and instagram posts from some influencers for $200-$500. Get paid celebrity endorsements from fake accounts. If in case you are planning a massive exit scam worth million of dollars, then buy sponsored tweets of McAfee for $105,000 per tweet because he is really good at brainwashing masses as we have discussed here.
  16. Finally its time to issue your ICO contract on Ethereum network for a mega crypto-crowdfunding in less than 20 minutes!
  17. Hurray!!! You just deployed your ICO! People can now buy your tokens using their credit cards, Bitcoin or Ether.
  18. Once the ICO starts, manipulate the market by buying 10% of all the sale tokens yourself using different IDs without exposing yourself. Do it just to increase the excitement level and to increase people confidence in your coins. Buy their trust!
  19. Set token refund ratio to 1/4th the original amount paid by the investor so that your investors may never ask for a refund should they get suspicious!
  20. Don't worry all money that you just spent will give you a return on investment (ROI) that is 10x-50x times your total expense!

By spending less than $10,000, fraudsters have made millions of dollars in profit through ICO exit scams.

Over 80% of all ICOs are pump and dump schemes because there is no regulatory body or intermediary involved, thus leaving investors at the mercy of clever scammers.

People who want to become rich quick often fell a prey to these scammers. Crypto-enthusiasts have gone so blinded with greed that they will put their money in anyone's hand if he can promise to make them rich, irrespective of whether the promisor is credible or not.

To give you an example of how stupid could people get, read about PonziCoin.

Recently in Feb 2018, someone created PonziCoin as a joke and social experiment. The website had publically mentioned (by leaving signs) that it was a scam because its whitepaper was linked to a PDF uploaded on "U.S Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)" website entitled as "Investor alert: Ponzi Schemes using vitual currencies"!!

PonziCoin source code was available for download on this github link which reads "A Social Experiment Pyramid Scheme."!!

Wait it does not end here... The whitepaper summary image shown on PonziCoin website which clearly depicted a pyramid scheme, will shock you even more..

cryptocurrency whitepaper summary

However driven by ignorance and greed, all these clear signs didn't stop the blind crypto-investors from buying PonziCoin tokens. In total, an ICO, which openly admitted to being a scam, raised over $250,000!

Guess what happened next?

PonziCoin founder shocked at the stupidity of people, shutdown the website and ran away with over 75% of $250,000 of investors money!

ICO Means 'Best Exit Scam'

According to the contract, investor could sell his PonziCoins back to the Smart Contract for 1/4 of the current price. Even if all investors ask for a refund, the founder will still own 3/4 of the crowdfunding money.

The founder said he didn't stole anything nor run away and instead blamed the investors for their stupidity and advised them to be careful next time. I believe the founder was right as far as the ethereum smart contract says! :)

Moral: If you really want to make money by trading turds, an ICO is all you need!

Some worth mentioning ICO exit scams are the following:

  1. PlexCoin: Founder ran away with $15 million of investors money!
  2. Benebit: Founder ran away with $4 million of investors money!
  3. Opair and Ebitz: Founder ran away with $2.9 million of investors money!
  4. REcoin and DRC: Founder ran away with $300,000 of investors money!
  5. CoinDash: Hacked within 13 minutes of the ICO launch, $7 million gone!
  6. Enigma: Hacked easily through phising, $500,000 gone!
According to Cointelegraph, companies raised around $6 billion via ICOs in 2017 but around 50% of all those ICOs sold in 2017 failed by February 2018!

ICOs increased so significantly in 2017 (50 ICOs a month), that financial authorities started warning their citizens about the risks involved by investing in unregulated virtual currencies.

In an interview to CNBC, founder of Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales said:

"..there are a lot of these initial coin offerings which are in my opinion are absolute scams and people should be very wary of things that are going on in that area."

Jimmy Wales

ICOs bubble has grown so big since 2017 that companies like Facebook, Google, Twitter, Mailchimp, LinkedIn, Chinese Search Engine Baidu, Russian Search Engine Yandex and platforms like Chinese Weibo and Japanese Line has banned ICO and cryptocurrency advertisements on their platforms in order to protect their customers against cryptocurrency scams and frauds.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

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How to Optimize Your PDF Files to Get a Featured Snippet

Posted: 25 Apr 2019 08:30 AM PDT

How to Optimize Your PDF Files to Get a Featured Snippet

A while back, Google only used content from websites to get a featured snippet. At the time, most of the web owners and managers solely focused on creating the appropriate HTML files. Today, however, Google has embraced diversity because PDF files can now get featured snippets. As a result, digital marketers who rely on PDFs to create content can now employ the best practices to helps optimize their PDFs to receive featured snippets.

Here are some of the most effective strategies that you could employ.

1. Have an appropriate title and file name

If you wish to optimize your PDF files to get a features snippet, then it is imperative for you to come up with a suitable title and file name. It should be SEO friendly for your PDF file to appear above other results in a search engine. To come up with an appropriate name, you have to conduct adequate research to find out the most relevant keywords

2. Optimize on the mobile experience

Initially, mobile phones were never meant for viewing PDF files. However, over time applications have been developed and people can now view such files using their smartphones. That notwithstanding, the majority of people use their phones to surf the internet as opposed to using a desktop.

As a result, you need to ensure that the mobile user experience is good. You can do that by formatting your PDF files so that the texts are aligned on the left side. Nobody wants to scroll on different angles to view the files. You can also use bold text, sub-headers, and bullet points to make your files more user-friendly.

3. Keep your file size as small as possible

Another effective strategy that will see your PDF files get a featured snippet is by keeping the file size as small as you can. The smaller the size of a file, the better it is for SEO. Larger files take longer to load, and they may negatively influence the user experience. Nobody wants to spend ten minutes waiting for a file to load, while, they can get similar content on a file that loads in a minute.

4. Link the PDF files to your website

You can also optimize by linking your files to your website. By doing so, you alert the search engines that the content on your site is relevant. You can also employ useful SEO strategies such as adding internal links to help boost traffic to your site. When PDF files are linked in a website, search engines will index them. this is one tip that is often overlooked, but one which can help you get amazing results.

5. Have PDF and HTML versions of the content

Another way to optimize PDF files for SEO is by having an HTML and PDF version available. This could have positive results on your site and possibly generate more traffic. Ensure that the landing page takes the HTML format.

6. Use keywords in the document description

Keywords play a significant role in ranking content higher on such engines. As a result, you need to use your keywords strategically to help your documents get a featured snippet. Ensure that your files' descriptions have the most relevant keywords.

7. Have compelling content

Search engines crawl in search of high-quality content. And this is one of the things that helps provide higher SEO rankings. Therefore, you should not compromise on the quality of your writing if you want your PDFs to get a featured snippet. Ensure to write informative content every time.

8. Exercise patience

You should not expect your PDF files to get featured snippets immediately you post them. No. Take your time to find the most relevant content, then employ proper strategies to help Google index your content.


Everybody wants their content to rank higher on search engines, especially now that Google allows PDF files to get a featured snippet. For that to happen, however, you must employ the most appropriate strategies, such as those mentioned above. You also have to ensure that your PDF files have high-quality and relevant content to enhance their chance of getting a featured snippet.

For more information, click