Sunday, March 17, 2019

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8 Time Management Tips for Bloggers - How Crucial it is?

Posted: 13 Dec 2018 05:55 AM PST

This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

blogging time managementThe trickiest part that comes with Blogging is indeed lack of time. If you are a good writer and enjoy every single word of what you write, then this article might be for you. It is not away from reality that the times we live in are extremely busy. Blogging in such times can be a problem for many.
There can be two dimension to this. You can be a Blogger who cant resist writing more and more, with less time to write. Or you can be a Blogger who takes hours to get into writing motion. Either the case, time management is pretty crucial for both. Lets jump into the topic and discuss how you can manage your time and get most out of your day for Blogging without effecting your other daily chores.

1. Knowing Your Highest  Energy Level Moments

As a human, we cannot be active all day long. There are short spans in the day when we feel most fit and active. This can vary to every individual. Some people feel more active early in the morning around 8 to 10 am. Some might find nights more refreshing and comfortable. What ever the case is with you, the point is that it is extremely important to find your peak hours through out the day.
These spans can be very effective in building the content for your blog. As a writer you should be in peace when writing at your blog. So knowing about your highest energy levels points in the day is important to be a successful and well timed managed blogger.

2. Build a Routine and Stick To It

Once you have figured out your peak energy levels shells you need to build a routine. Say if you feel active for 3 hours after you get up and take your breakfast, you can refresh your self for an hour and then start writing articles for the rest of the two hours. As you know that for the rest of the day you would be down, so this is the time when you have to utilize the most.
Make it your routine and stick to it. Put on an alarm for the next day and wake up by force. Don't get late for your blogging task. Take it as a job. You need to wake up at a set frame of time. Don't be lazy. 

3. Stand Up Against Any Distractions

Once you are following your daily routine, you don't want any one to distract you from it. Whether they are your friends on mobile, social networks, SMS etc or even your very own family members. You need to make them realize that you are in a working mode and cannot interact. I understand that its difficult to sustain in daily family life, but you got to try. Its in fact your intention and seriousness towards your own work. If you are a true friend of your self, you wont feel many distractions.
If you feel like that you are tempted to surf net while you blog, plug off your net wire or your wi-fi connection for the time being. Its again seniority towards your self.

4. Plan Your Work But Not that Much!

Some people take it forever to plan their articles. You wont get any where with that. When you talk about time management you need to balance every thing. Obviously planing more will make your work better, but at what cost? Make a general plan  for your article and just start writing. Take the article as a conversation with the audience.
When you intend to give some information to your friend, how much time it takes you to " Plan " that conversion? This is the point. Write as if you are talking to your friends and providing them with the information you are good at. 

5. Choose a fixed place to blog

This is one of the key factor in blogging. Carry out blogging at a fixed place. Changing your place every now and then wont help you out. It would take time to adjust at a particular place, minimizing your output. 

6. Learn Typing

Blogging is all about writing more and more content. If you know how to type fast, it would be as easy as pie for you. You can produce tons of content with less effort in a given amount of time. Extremely recommended for bloggers.

7. Utilize Your Left Over Time for the Next day

In case you end up early writing an article in that given amount of two hours, you should not jump out of your seat. Try building up more content and utilize those two hours. Think of those two hours solely dedicated to
"Blogging". May be you can post the other article the next day.
If you feel that you are really a head of your schedule, you can rethink over your posting frequency. You can save your posts and think of publishing them the next day because keeping a consistent post frequency increases your search engine ranking  and improves your listing in a SERP. Never Publish in a bulk, be consistent.

8. Give Your Self a Reward

Once you are done working for those two hours, give your self some reward. Why not take a round at a park, or some time at computer games, or a cup ice cream :)

Enjoy every moment of your Blogging life. Happy and healthy mind equals Best of your potentials. Hope this article could make a difference in your blogging life style.
Peace out ! =)

Thursday, March 14, 2019

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3 Simple Steps to Overcoming Your Obstacles and Grow Your Blogging Business

Posted: 14 Mar 2019 06:31 AM PDT

Every entrepreneur has struggles, bloggers included. However, if you don't find a way to overcome the areas that are the most problematic to you, you'll soon find that your blogging business is dead in its tracks.

Although many bloggers realize this, they don't necessarily know what they can do to move past the hurdles in their way and really grow their blog. So, if this is where you currently find yourself, leaving you unsure what to do to take your blog to higher levels, here is a simple 3-step process that can help.

Step 1: Identify Your Own Personal Obstacles

If there is one thing that is true in business it is that no two entrepreneurs take the exact same path. By default, this also means that no two entrepreneurs share the exact same struggles.

Before you can overcome the obstacles unique to you, you need to first identify them. This requires taking a few minutes to sit down and list out the things that are feeling most problematic to you.

The Social Ms shares that some of the most common challenges experienced by new bloggers include staying motivated, trying to be perfect, getting enough traffic, staying active on social media, and not giving up.

Make a list of your own personal challenges so you know which areas you need to address in order to fully grow your blogging business.

Step 2: Create a Blogging Business Growth Plan

Once you know what is currently stopping you from achieving the level of growth you'd like with your blog, the next step is to develop a plan to overcome these obstacles.

In a CEO Spotlight provided by CEOWORLD magazine, Russell Ruffino talks about scaling your business. According to Ruffino, who is the founder and CEO of Clients on Demand, the key to achieving growth is to concentrate on these three key business functions: "Attract new leads, Convert them into clients, and Deliver your service as powerfully and profitably as possible."

With this in mind, where do most of your current obstacles fall? Is it bringing in new leads that is presenting the most issues for you or are you good at that, yet having trouble converting these leads into lifelong, loyal clients?

Develop a plan that addresses your most problematic area. Aim to tackle it little by little so as not to overwhelm yourself. By simply taking one step at a time, you'll eventually get where you want to go.

Step 3: Measure Your Results

The only way to know whether you're truly overcoming your obstacles is to have some type of measurement in place. This will help you quickly identify whether the actions you're taking are moving you forward with your blogging business.

You can do this is by regularly visiting your site's analytics so you know whether your blog is getting more visitors or subscribers. If your site doesn't provide this type of information automatically, Google Analytics supplies this type of data as well. All you have to do is create an account.

Another option is to keep track of how many times your posts are shared on social media. If you're not familiar with how to do this, Razor Social shares that Google Campaign URL Builder (which tracks your shares using Google Analytics),, and ClickMeter all work well for this purpose.

By identifying your blogging-related obstacles, making a plan to overcome them, and then measuring whether your plan is actually working (or if it's not), you are better able to grow your blogging business. Additionally, revisiting this same process regularly can and will keep you on the right path.

Friday, March 8, 2019

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The Best Affiliate Marketing Niches for 2019

Posted: 07 Mar 2019 11:50 PM PST

best affiliate marketing niches

The best affiliate marketing niches for 2019 have already been identified. Affiliate marketing is still one of the best ways to make money for bloggers. Blogging is all about promoting products and services through the affiliate link. If you want to make money in the affiliate market, you must begin by selecting your niche.

Out of the many niches in the affiliate market, the type that you choose will determine how much money you make. As an affiliate marketer, it is important to look out for the money making niches because every single niche can have several sub-niches. Having a niche that is already defined implies that you already have your target audience in place.

The addition of more content outside your niche will attract a new audience to your social media network. When you have more people following you, it implies that you will receive more referrals.


According to iveTriedThat, the pet market is another profitable niche. People are willing to spend ridiculous amount of money on their pets. They are always more than willing to invest on the pets' food and clothes, and grooming as well as vet visits. Pets are just like human beings because they have similar basic needs as humans that is food and shelter. People tend to spend a lot to take care of their cats and dogs. In fact, some pests live a better lifestyle than some human beings in the money market.

New Age Niches

This niche allows you to go for 3D printing. This is an emerging market that will continue to grow through the year 2019. E-sport that has been in the market since 2000 is also growing steadily and has become very popular of late.

Health and Wellness

This niche will always exist in the affiliate market. It has several other niches under it like mental health and muscle building. The reason why this niche never goes out of fashion is because everyone wants to look and feel younger and better. Technology and medical improvements continue to improve and this implies that the niche can still branch out within the coming years.

Money Making

The money making niche is suitable for everyone who would like to make money working as an affiliate marketer. It was popular throughout 2018 and will continue to be popular this year. People have realised that they can make money online through different ways be it blogging for money or selling products. It is the only niche that provides an opportunity for those who have no option like the jobless people, and students.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing has evolved remarkably within the last 15 years. Companies are well informed of how effective digital marketing can be to their performance. The channels of advertisement like emails, mobile apps, and search engines continue to evolve over time with technological advancements. This is a smart niche as long as the companies continue to invest in digital marketing.


Wealth and money are an area of interest for almost everyone. There are several ways of making money online and one way is through the foreign currency exchange markets. People spend several hours a day online trading currencies and thus you can make considerable income by joining forex affiliate programs and blogging about money and finance.

Dating and Relationships

Apart from health and wealth, people invest a lot on dating and relationships. People spend a lot of time online on dating sites trying to find their perfect match. Those who are already in the dating scene look for dating tips online and those in stable relationships look for solutions to their relationship problems online.

Working from Home

The idea of working from home is slowly penetrating the job market and it is attracting people of all ages. A lot of people are considering it because its advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Working from home allows one to work from home without wasting several hours on traffic or spending on transport. For this reason, its popularity is aggressively growing in 2019.


Weddings have become ridiculously expensive. The moment you associate a wedding with things like cars and cakes that are usually inexpensive, they become expensive. There are several weddings that take place each year because love never goes out of season. This makes it a suitable money making niche.