Tuesday, December 3, 2019

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Surf Shark- The Best VPN?

Posted: 04 Nov 2019 02:48 AM PST

Surf Shark- The Best VPN

Before we jump in to the technicalities, let's talk a bit about what exactly a Virtual Private Network, commonly known as VPN really is. The VPN is an online security tool that is used to connect to the internet to send and receive data through an encrypted tunnel which reduces the potential risk of your important data from being hacked by third parties which may misuse your data. A VPN hides your Internet Protocol Address (IP) and masks it with that of the VPN's server you are connected to. 

The IP address is provided by your Internet Service Provider (ISP), thus whatever you download, upload or whatever purpose you use the internet for is visible to your ISP. For example but not limited to social media account passwords like that of Facebook, Netflix, Gmail. Online banking transactions and your account details might be visible to the ISP and anyone who is monitoring your online whereabouts if you are not using a VPN, this puts your data at a very high potential risk of falling into the wrong hands. The Virtual Private Network in general terms scrambles the data to create a private network.

What is Surf Shark and Why us?

Surf Shark is one of the widely growing Virtual Private Network providers. We deliver you all the protection you need for your online needs while ensuring high speed connectivity so you can browse seamlessly without worrying about the bandwidth or ping. And you get all of this without breaking the bank.

If that sounds interesting, hop in!

Block Ads, Trackers, Pop-ups and Malware:

secure your digital life with surf shark

None of us like advertisements, all these unwanted ads act as obstacles to our browsing experience. It might be surprising to hear that online sellers track your browsing history through cookies and show ads that display those particular products that you might be interested in depending on your previous spending on online selling websites. Who knows what else other third parties might be tracking?

Moreover, pop-ups lead to websites that are of no use and utility, to be honest, these pop-up websites should be avoided at all costs because they do more harm than good and at times lead to downloading of unnecessary software and at times malware and viruses too that not only compromise your data but can damage the hardware of whatever device you are using to browse the internet. These Pop-ups are a big no.

Be Secure While Online Banking

be secure while online banking

With the growth in online banking, there has been an increase in the growth of cyber-crime as well. Hackers can easily withdraw or transfer all your money from your bank accounts if your bank does not have a strong firewall. With Surf Shark, you will be able to initiate all the transactions you want without worrying about your money going somewhere it should not. We know how much you have worked hard to have that bank balance, which is why we want to protect it at all costs.

Stay Safe on Public Wi-Fi

Stay Safe on Public Wi-Fi

Anywhere you go, no matter if it is your neighborhood's local coffee shop or a high end restaurant or the subway, you will find a public Wi-Fi that you can connect to and enjoy browsing. This is the 21st Century nevertheless, the digital age, the age of 'staying connected'.  However, the problem with such public internet networks is that they have no passwords, no high end encryption and no security.

This is a very good tool for hackers to hack their way into your system and steal the information/data without your knowledge or may upload a malware just for fun (yes, it happens). Regardless of the reason, you will be the one on the suffering end; it is you who will be adversely affected. But what if you had Surf Shark? If you have us, we will make sure to block out all the potential threats that come with these unreliable public networks.

Apart from that, you might be under surveillance too, as per a report published, almost every individual accessing the internet through a public Wi-Fi is under some degree of surveillance, nobody wants being spied on. Surf Shark prevents such unwelcomed surveillance.

Secure Your Crypto Currencies

Secure Your Crypto Currencies

With this new digital age, a new form of money has come into existence, the crypto currency. This form of online money has taken the world over by storm and requires an online wallet which needs a similar high end protection to that of the online banking system that we highlighted earlier. Surf Shark encrypts your data and blocks out all malware and makes sure that your wallet can not be traced down via your internet protocol address.

Available On Multiple Platforms

 Available On Multiple Platforms

It does not matter which platform you are accessing the internet from, we have got you covered. Our application is available across all operating systems such as iOS, Android, Windows, Linux, Mac OS, Smart TVs including Fire TV and Apple TV. You are one step away from the best online security on all your devices.

Protect Yourself While Gaming

Protect Yourself While Gaming

That's right, not only do we provide our app for the above mentioned platforms, but we also provide our services for Xbox and PlayStation consoles. With Surf Shark you don't have to worry about doxxing. You can enjoy all the online games you want while we shield you.

Safe and Fast Torrenting

Safe and Fast Torrenting

Downloading movies and series through a torrent software does have its own perks, there is no questioning that. The torrent app itself has no issues, however, the torrent link providers are not allowed in some countries even if the app itself is available and legal. With Surf Shark you will be able to download your torrents without big speed drops.

Find the Best Prices While Shopping Online

Find the Best Prices While Shopping Online

The internet has surely made trade easier, but due to growing globalization, it is common for suppliers to charge different prices for the same products from country to country, with Surf Shark, you will be able to get the best deals with our region selector feature

Bypass Censorship

bypass censorship

Some cyber laws of a country ban particular websites due to political tensions between the state and the country of the website's origin. The website itself has no moral or ethical issues, why should you suffer the consequences of something you are not responsible of? With Surf Shark you will be able to access censored websites without anyone ever knowing. Explore the content from anywhere you want to.

Simple User Interface

Simple User Interface

The Surf Shark application is simple to operate and has a decent design. There are no complicated prerequisites to deal with. All you have to do is install the Surf Shark application and enjoy the service.

Camouflage Mode and the Kill Switch

Camouflage Mode and the Kill Switch

With the camouflage mode even the Internet Service Provider will be unable to know if the user is operating through a Virtual Private Network or not, for the ISP, the user will be using the normal unsafe browsing methods with the default internet protocol address.  The Kill Switch; this is an interesting feature of Surf Shark that many VPN providers don't have. What the kill switch basically does is that in case of a drop in the connection with the VPN server, the IP Address will not be immediately exposed and will stay masked.

Customer Service

Customer Service

Surf Shark has a 24/7 customer support service. If the customer is having any problem with the Surf Shark Application, the customer can reach us through the customer support helpline or start a chat with one of our representatives who will ensure that the problem is solved as soon as possible. The Surf Shark representatives have a response time of 2-3 minutes. The representatives try to be as straight-forward as possible but will go beyond their means to solve the customer's query.

Pocket Friendly Prices

Pocket Friendly Prices

One of the many benefits of Surf Shark is that it offers the best competitive rates as compared to other VPN providers, along with the low prices; Surf Shark offers more features too. You can try Surf Shark for free also.

If you want to get the best deal, take full advantage of their black Friday offers on the website. The packages include 11.95$ per month.

The second package after a 50 percent discount costs 5.99$ per month for a one year period while the 27 month package costs 1.77$ a month after an 85 percent discount.

Surf Shark is one of the best VPN providers in the market for VPNs right now and globally ranks number 2 out of the 78 popular VPN brands and offers the highest bandwidth out of them.  As per many reviews by customers and technical websites, Surf Shark has managed to come out on the top and you can surely give it a try. You will not be disappointed :).

Saturday, November 2, 2019

My Blogger Tricks

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How to Prepare For Conference Calls as an Online Worker?

Posted: 01 Nov 2019 01:49 PM PDT

Your big conference call is only a few hours away, and you've done nothing to prepare; so where do you start? From planning ahead (which you didn't do) to listening intently during the meeting, here are some tips on how to prepare for and properly execute a conference call as an online worker. These tips will help you stay more organized during the call and display a certain etiquette that the other callers will appreciate. Keep reading to learn where to start.

Plan Ahead

So maybe you didn't follow this tip, but you still have time to do so. If your call is just a short while away, you can still do plenty of prep to get you ready for the meeting. First and foremost, what is your meeting about? A sales meeting will have a very different tone and topic of conversation than a disciplinary meeting. Depending on what information is to be discussed during your meeting, you'll need to prepare differently.
While some meetings will require meeting-specific prep, there are some general preparations you can take that apply to any meeting. First, check your mic, speakers, or phone if you're not using a computer. Be sure your battery is fully charged and you have the link or phone number to join the meeting at hand. If you don't, ask the organizer before the meeting starts. It's generally quite rude to interrupt a meeting due to your own lack of planning!
The best thing to do is to plan the night before your meeting. That way, you're well ahead of schedule and won't have to scramble to get your things together. This will not only help you stay on top of things but will also reduce your overall stress and anxiety (especially if you're prone to procrastination).

Stay Organized

Staying organized before and during the meeting is important to the success of your input. If you're giving a presentation of any sort, keep all of your materials well organized and accessible. With many online meeting tools, you can share your screen or files with other attendees, and if you're showing a jumbled mess, the viewers will find it difficult to understand your presentation.
You can use simple organizational tools like Google Calendar and cloud storage to keep yourself in line with meeting times and your presentation materials saved in an accessible place. Using online meeting software like Vast Conference can help you have better, more organized conference calls as well.

Don't Speak Over Anyone

This applies to the actual meeting, of course, but is still so important. When you're prepping for an online meeting, remember that you'll need to wait your turn to speak. It's much more disruptive in an online meeting to talk over someone than it is in person, since it can be difficult to differentiate the two voices speaking.
This may seem like simple etiquette, but you'd be amazed at how many people tend to speak over their fellow participants. This can create a general sense of chaos, and make you seem rather rude and disrespectful. Generally, you should wait for everyone to finish speaking before you speak, and be sure to introduce yourself to any new participants. You can also opt for a video chat instead of audio-only for a more personalized feel to the meeting.

Minimize Background Noise

Nothing is more distracting or derailing to an online meeting than excessive background noise. Dogs barking, children playing, or a fan running can serve to distract (and even annoy, let's be honest here) everyone in the meeting. Before the meeting starts, you'll want to ensure your environment is as distraction-free and quiet as possible.
If you need to lock yourself in a separate room in your house, so be it! If you can't possibly escape from all of the noise, be sure to remember that your mute button exists. Using the mute button will help minimize the interruptions that your background noise creates, and shows a general sense of respect for everyone involved in the call.

Listen Up!

Last, but certainly not least, you need to listen closely to the information presented in the conference call. When you're planning for the call, include a notebook or notepad in your materials so you can jot down important points. Minimize your distractions so you can clearly hear everything that's being discussed, and don't be afraid to ask appropriate questions if you don't understand something.
This way, when it comes time for you to speak, you're well-informed and updated on the topic of conversation, so you'll know exactly what to say about it. You don't want to miss out on information and have nothing to add to the conversation! When in doubt, take notes and ask plenty of questions.

The Bottom Line

Online conference calls aren't complicated. You simply follow the link or the phone number, join the call, and the rest is up to you. Be sure to minimize distractions and background noise, and always plan ahead for the call; especially if you're a key presenter or the topic of discussion lies within your field of expertise.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

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How to Make a Full-Time Income Working Online

Posted: 04 Sep 2019 05:26 AM PDT

make full time income online
Tired of the same old 9-5? Looking for a change in pace? Maybe something with greater flexibility and more opportunity to improve your income? Working online isn't something out of a fairy tale; in fact, thousands of Americans make a full-time living working online from their home, a coffee shop, or even their own office. Here's how to make a full-time income working online.


You can become a freelancer in a variety of industries; from writing and editing to journalism to photography, graphic design, web design, and more. The possibilities with freelancing are only limited by what you can push yourself to do. With freelancing, you'll be able to choose your hours, your rates, and your clients; giving you as much creative freedom as possible.

This is an excellent option for stay-at-home parents or anyone who doesn't want to clock into the office any longer. Working remotely as a freelancer allows you to go anywhere in the world and still be able to perform your tasks. Always wanted to move out of your hometown, but your job is holding you back? Freelancing might just be the solution for you.

There are several platforms available, such as Fiverr, which work to connect freelancers with new clients from all over the world. Fiverr is a pretty popular freelance platform, with thousands of users per month; so you'll find no shortage of potential clients available to you. 

Surveys and Task Work

If you sign up for a few different survey-taking sites, you could easily make a full-time income just completing task work and surveys. Companies pay big money for the information that you and other survey takers provide about their products and retail practices, and you can cash in on this lucrative business via sites like Survey Junkie.

Most survey sites operate the same; you'll complete surveys and task work, get awarded virtual points or rewards, and when you've accumulated enough points, you can cash out for a payment or gift card.

Survey taking isn't the most profitable online gig, but you can certainly make a decent amount of money if you sign up for a few different survey sites at once. Just be sure they're legitimate sites, as there are still scam survey sites that won't actually pay anything for your efforts. Read reviews on Survey Junkie if you're interested in giving this money-making method a try.

Etsy or E-commerce

If you're good at making crafts or other hand-made goods, the Etsy marketplace might be a good option for you to turn your simple hobby into a money-making venture. Etsy is a worldwide marketplace that focuses on quality hand-made items from artisans all over the globe, and you can join the community simply by signing up.

You'll be charged a small amount for each listing, but Etsy is quite affordable, and plenty of vendors do their business exclusively with the site. The site has an impressive user base, which gives you plenty of exposure to potential customers from all over the world. You can sell pretty much anything on Etsy, provided it adheres to the site's guidelines. Your selling practices also must meet certain guidelines, or you risk being booted from the site.

Alternatively, you can start your own e-commerce site to make a full-time income. E-commerce sites grant you the flexibility of owning your own business without the overhead of running a brick and mortar location; which can be quite costly when you account for rent, utilities, insurance, etc.
Should you choose to start your own e-commerce site, you'll want to hire a professional designer to get your website set up correctly. Don't be tempted into using DIY sites like Wix or Weebly for your e-commerce site, as you'll want it to look as professional as possible and function well.


You've probably read about how blogging can create extra income, but did you know starting a blog and/or YouTube channel can actually help you generate full-time income? According to g2.com, the highest-grossing YouTube content creator is Daniel Middleton; at a whopping $16.5 million. You read that correctly. 16.5 million dollars. How's that for a full-time income?

Blogging and YouTube channels both generate ad revenue; that is, sponsors pay the content creators money to advertise their products or services on the creator's platform. With enough of a following, you could be making some serious money. Maybe even enough to quit your 9-5 and become a full-time video producer or blogger.

The hardest part about this option is building your audience. It can take quite a while to build up a large following, but regular uploads and posts combined with quality, entertaining content are your best bet.
People enjoy personal stories of triumph, overcoming adversity, and inspiring stories they can relate to. If you think you have an inspiring message and want to share it with the world and make a full-time income, try YouTube or starting your own blog.

With some hard work and determination, and no small amount of personal marketing, you'll be able to grow a following, and hopefully, the income level you're looking for.


There are plenty of ways to make a full-time income online, you just have to know where to look. Keep your eyes open for freelancing opportunities, or start your own store or Youtube channel and start generating some interest in your brand of advice or hand-made products.