Friday, September 11, 2015

How can a "Fish Aquarium" Keep you Punctual in Office?

How can a "Fish Aquarium" Keep you Punctual in Office?

Link to My Blogger Tricks

How can a "Fish Aquarium" Keep you Punctual in Office?

Posted: 10 Sep 2015 09:59 AM PDT

Fish aquarium keeps one punctual in officeAround 22 beautiful and colorful Malawi, guppy and tropical fishes joined STCnetwork! These fishes were brought in for a purpose that is extremely related to work productivity and performance. The most difficult of all things for an entrepreneur is remaining punctual with office work. When you have no boss at top to monitor and supervise your activities, as a human we are all bound to become lazy and lethargic at some point and especially unpunctual when it comes to Office timings.  I love sleeping a lot and barely open my eyes unless I have slept enough for 12 hours! As a result my office opening timings are never fixed, sometimes I go at 11:00 AM while sometimes I go at 3:00PM. Indeed this habit will make me dump and lazy in future if I don't take precautionary steps to avoid sleeping a lot and making sure I setup a fix time to go office every morning. Neither did exercise help me with this lazy habit nor did sleeping early at night. The only best solution that I came around was placing a "Fish Aquarium" or "Fish Tank" at the Office!

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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Design Responsive Blogger Templates - Step by Step Guide

Design Responsive Blogger Templates - Step by Step Guide

Link to My Blogger Tricks

Design Responsive Blogger Templates - Step by Step Guide

Posted: 03 Sep 2015 07:26 AM PDT

how to design responsive blogger templatesFinally we are done with the most comprehensive and descriptive tutorial series on Google powered  blogger blogs. We have discussed the core basics to create and develop a mobile responsive layout using simple CSS3 @media queries and some built-in scripts. This series will help you understand the step-by-step effort involved in transforming an ordinary static, inflexible and non-responsive blogger template into a fluid and responsive one that may help you improve your Mobile Search traffic and better entertain your users with a mobile friendly user-interface (UI). A Mobile UI is an important SEO ranking metric and helps you improve your mobile pageviews and thereby the site CTR revenue.

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