Thursday, July 30, 2015

Customize Blogger EU Cookies Notification Bar

Customize Blogger EU Cookies Notification Bar

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Customize Blogger EU Cookies Notification Bar

Posted: 30 Jul 2015 08:21 AM PDT

Blogger EU Cookies NoticeAll blogspot users are recently informed in their dashboards that European Union (EU) laws require all publishers to give EU visitors information about cookies used on their blogs. For that reason Blogger team has automatically added a notice bar on all blogs to help meet these regulations. The notice lets visitors know about Google's use of certain Blogger and other cookies used on these blogs, including Google Analytics and AdSense cookies. It is a publisher's responsibility to ensure that the Notification bar must be clearly visible on the blog and must not be disabled in any case using CSS or JavaScript unless the publisher is already displaying a custom bar notifying users about the use of cookies on his site.

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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Create a Mobile Responsive Multi-level Drop Down Menu

Create a Mobile Responsive Multi-level Drop Down Menu

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Create a Mobile Responsive Multi-level Drop Down Menu

Posted: 28 Jul 2015 08:56 AM PDT

responsive menu for blogger blogs

The biggest hurdle while creating a Fluid layout is to convert your Static header menu into a responsive one. You need to replace your wide desktop menu with an auto-adjusting mobile menu that must match your webpage color theme and should also contain enough room for both your Navigation links and Search Form. It thus can play a two-in-one role. Today we will create a jQuery menu with Toggle effect to slide up and slide down the Link list. The Menu container will also contain a search functionality and will support nesting of as many child lists as you wish to create. Our previously shared Responsive menu lacked few features which we have covered in this menu. It is therefore an advanced Multi-level Drop Down menu with several important features which are:

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Saturday, July 25, 2015

Auto Update Credits Info in Template Footer

Auto Update Credits Info in Template Footer

Link to My Blogger Tricks

Auto Update Credits Info in Template Footer

Posted: 25 Jul 2015 06:57 AM PDT

autoupdate credits info in template footerIt makes a lot of sense to always add your website name along with Copyrights Date/time in Footer credits to let your users get accustomed to your brand identity and also know that you reserve full copyrights of the content you share on your blog. A credit link consists of mostly your Trademark/benchmark name (i.e. Blog Title) and the Time interval for which you deserve full ownership of your Blog resources and of its use and distribution. When we design Blogger templates we often add Credit links or attribution links at the bottom of the blog footer to let everyone know who designed and developed the template.

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Thursday, July 23, 2015

Disable rendering of JavaScript and Widgets Using isMobileRequest [2]

Disable rendering of JavaScript and Widgets Using isMobileRequest [2]

Link to My Blogger Tricks

Disable rendering of JavaScript and Widgets Using isMobileRequest [2]

Posted: 23 Jul 2015 07:43 AM PDT

Disable Javascript in Mobile Blogger TemplatesNow that you have learnt how to hide HTML content in Blogspot blogs using the conditional tag "isMobileRequest", Its time to learn how to prevent blogger Widgets from loading inside Mobile devices for Responsive Blogger Templates. It is really important that your mobile site may load as faster as possible due to slow internet speed of Mobile browsers. In order to achieve this purpose, we need to hide some widgets that makes no sense in small screen devices. These Sidebar widgets could include your Fancy Subscription boxes, search boxes, Labels, Archives, PopularPosts, Blog ROLL, Recent comments and so on. Most of these widgets use jQuery or JavaScript that really slows down the site. Therefor we will not just hide the Widget HTML content but would also disable its javaScript. You can continue showing them in Desktop/Laptop devices but it is really advisable that you hide such widgets for mobile devices in order to speed up your Page load time as much as possible in order to rank higher on Mobile Search results. We have experienced a tremendous positive impact of this technique on our Blogger blog (mbt) and it has really helped increasing our mobile traffic a lot. Lets get started!

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