Friday, November 29, 2013

HostGator's Crazy Black Friday Discount - 75% OFF!

HostGator's Crazy Black Friday Discount - 75% OFF!

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HostGator's Crazy Black Friday Discount - 75% OFF!

Posted: 28 Nov 2013 10:11 AM PST

So this year's biggest discounts are just around the corner, and just short of the usual Christmas sales we see starting in December around the world, we have the Black Friday/Cyber Monday 'discount holidays'. And for us web-hosting enthusiasts, that can mean only one thing. Crazy discounts from HostGator! This year, we can expect as much as a 75% whopping discount on all new HostGator sales, which includes shared, reseller, and dedicated web hosting! Starting from 29th November, these promotions aren't just limited to this coming Friday. Instead, they will run through the weekend, and well into this Monday, aka Cyber Monday. So get to ready to avail what might be the biggest discount EVER from HostGator!
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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

How To Setup AdSense A/B Experiments for Ad Units

How To Setup AdSense A/B Experiments for Ad Units

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How To Setup AdSense A/B Experiments for Ad Units

Posted: 26 Nov 2013 10:11 AM PST

Google AdSense Experiments
Being a predominantly blogging and online income blog, one of the most common questions we get asked here at MBT is, what is the best AdSense Ad Configuration for generating maximum revenue. In all honesty, this question is always very difficult to answer, since the description of 'best configuration' can be subjectively varied from blog to blog, meaning its hard (probably impossible) to create a set-up that works for every blog. The best way to address this issue is to try out various configurations on your blog, and decide by hit or trial which is best. Fortunately for you, the Google AdSense experiments feature is here to help.
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Monday, November 25, 2013

How To Publish WordPress Posts From Microsoft Word 2013‏?

How To Publish WordPress Posts From Microsoft Word 2013‏?

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How To Publish WordPress Posts From Microsoft Word 2013‏?

Posted: 24 Nov 2013 10:11 AM PST

How To Publish WordPress Posts From Microsoft Word 2013‏?
WordPress is a very powerful publishing platform, and a very popular one too since more than 45% of blogs are hosted on WordPress. Its major selling point has to be its powerful functionality coupled with an intuitive and user-friend user interface. But if I were to pick out one flaw in WordPress, it would have to be the droll post editor combined with a slow UI that makes editing and saving posts a headache. But what if you could write your blog posts into a powerful word processing software such as Microsoft Word? As it turns out, you can! In this post, we'll show you how to create and publish a blog post directly from MS Word 2013!
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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Easy Recovery For Sites Hacked With Spam or Malware

Easy Recovery For Sites Hacked With Spam or Malware

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Easy Recovery For Sites Hacked With Spam or Malware

Posted: 23 Nov 2013 10:11 AM PST

Recover hacked sites with Google Webmaster Tools
One of the top few concerns of a webmaster is the ever-persistent sense of insecurity. No matter how secure your site is, there will always be loopholes providing malicious programs an entry into your system, and thus enabling them to inject spam or malware. In spite of all preventive measures, the best and most practical thing to do in such an event is to recover your site as fast as possible so that the effect of the attack is neutralized / minimized. And with Google Webmaster Tools, you can now take a step forward towards easier and faster website recovery.
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