Monday, September 30, 2013

Google Search Now Supports Hashtags From Google Plus!

Google Search Now Supports Hashtags From Google Plus!

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Google Search Now Supports Hashtags From Google Plus!

Posted: 29 Sep 2013 11:11 AM PDT

Google Search now supports Hashtags
If you're one of those people who just can't get enough of hash-tagging, then it's your lucky time of the year. Just when we thought that the hashtags had hit their high note when Facebook decided to entertain them, Google suddenly jumps in and manages to take the concept to a whole new level (in theory at least, if not in practice - yet). Google has announced that Google Search will now be indexing hashtag search terms, and for the time being, it will be only pulling results from the company's own social network, Google Plus.
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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Google Finally Disclosed Why 90% Search Traffic got Effected

Google Finally Disclosed Why 90% Search Traffic got Effected

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Google Finally Disclosed Why 90% Search Traffic got Effected

Posted: 28 Sep 2013 11:11 AM PDT

OK. So I guess the cat's finally out of the bag, as Google has finally disclosed the reason behind the massive search traffic drop that effected millions of websites last month. In response to the drop, we conducted a few case studies of our own, and looked over the traffic patterns for various websites, large and small. We concluded that there was definitely something wrong, and Google was making changes at the back-end without telling anybody (You can check the study out here). Well now, Google has finally disclosed the reasons behind the traffic drop in an event held Thursday that marked the company's 15th birthday.
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Friday, September 27, 2013

How To Set Up Alerts for 404 Error Pages in Google Analytics?

How To Set Up Alerts for 404 Error Pages in Google Analytics?

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How To Set Up Alerts for 404 Error Pages in Google Analytics?

Posted: 26 Sep 2013 11:11 AM PDT

Set up 404 Alerts in Google Analytics
To a casual web surfer, there's nothing more annoying than hitting rock-bottom, i.e. getting a soft 404. I mean sure, things can be spiced up by adding creative 404 pages and what not. But a 404 is usually not a good sign, and shows negligence on your part. Server errors (3xx) are somewhat tolerable (and permissible), since there's no controlling a web server. But a 404 is something a webmaster can easily correct. Talking about which, Google Analytics can make finding 404 errors a lot easier! There's a small trick you can use to get alerts for 404 error pages, so that you'll be the first to know when there's a 404 broken link on your site!
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Thursday, September 26, 2013

What Are The SEO Benefits of Using Tumblr For Content Marketing?

What Are The SEO Benefits of Using Tumblr For Content Marketing?

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What Are The SEO Benefits of Using Tumblr For Content Marketing?

Posted: 25 Sep 2013 11:11 AM PDT

Why Tumblr for SEO and Content Marketing?
Tumblr is one of the many social networks out there. But it's not just another social media network. Many people underestimate the usefulness of Tumblr, even though it has huge potential for SEO and social media marketing. Tumblr is quickly growing in popularity. But still many people are unaware of its benefits. So, in this post let's talk a bit about Tumblr, how it works and how to get started using Tumblr for online marketing. And most importantly, what are the SEO benefits of using Tumblr?
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