Thursday, February 28, 2013

HootSuite For Blogger - Install the App Now!

HootSuite For Blogger - Install the App Now!

Link to My Blogger Tricks

HootSuite For Blogger - Install the App Now!

Posted: 28 Feb 2013 11:27 AM PST

Connect Blogger to HootSuite
Probably one of the best things about blogging in this age has to be the level of automation you can get nowadays. Long gone are the days when you even had to add html styles in your posts by hand. It is amazing how easy things have become today. You might already be familiar with social media automation, and how you can cross-publish your posts across multiple platforms. HootSuite is one application that's pretty well known in this regard. Well, now there's good news for bloggers! HootSuite has finally been integrated with Blogger! Now, you can automate the whole blog posting process right from where you manage your social media!
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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Google Strict Penalty on Sites that Sell Links To Pass PageRank

Google Strict Penalty on Sites that Sell Links To Pass PageRank

Link to My Blogger Tricks

Google Strict Penalty on Sites that Sell Links To Pass PageRank

Posted: 27 Feb 2013 11:27 AM PST

Note: This post is recommended to all readers and must be read word by read for your own benefit.

Were you fortunate enough to achieve a PageRank 3, 4 or higher? If yes then you might be receiving several emails in your inbox from link building companies that wish to pay you up to $100-$200 for a link on your blog post. I am sure its excites you greatly when you find such a great opportunity to make some free bucksBut wait! Google's web spam Head Matt Cutts has just announced on Webmaster Central blog last Friday that a strict action will be taken against websites and blogs that sell links for the sole purpose of manipulating Search engine ranking and passing PageRank juice.
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Monday, February 25, 2013

Add AdSense right After Tag

Add AdSense right After <!--More--> Tag

Link to My Blogger Tricks

Add AdSense right After <!--More--> Tag

Posted: 25 Feb 2013 11:27 AM PST

Adsense positioning in bloggerThis is a great tutorial which will multiple your current click through rate and add a new boom to your over all Adsense earning. With a big repository of plugins for Wordpress blogs like Quick Adsense, WP users never need to worry while adding Adsense to any part of the blog they wish but in blogger we lack plugins that could do the job automatically. Therefore this week my main focus lies in developing more of such plugins that could provide you great front end experience. Thanks our developer Ahmed Nasir the script developed this time will automatically insert your AdSense Ad right after the opening paragraph (Post summary) or the read more button(Jump Break). The read more link is distinguished by the HTML tag "<!--more-->" , we will use a simple Jquery code to tell the browser to append an Ad zone with a unique div ID, right before the more tag. In  browsers where JavaScript is disabled the Ad zone will instead display at the end of post. You can see the demo on our blog, right after reading this line...
(You will see below a 468X60 Adsense for content Ad).
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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Installing Zemanta on Blogger - A New Way to create Blog Posts!

Installing Zemanta on Blogger - A New Way to create Blog Posts!

Link to My Blogger Tricks

Installing Zemanta on Blogger - A New Way to create Blog Posts!

Posted: 23 Feb 2013 11:27 AM PST


Creating quality content is a major concern for bloggers. It is one thing to establish a good-looking and well-optimized website which is SEO friendly, and quite another to update it with fresh, regular content which is of high quality. No matter how well a site is optimized for search engines, content still remains the king, and Google regards content more highly, since it is oriented towards the users more. Creating quality content, and adding value to it isn't an easy job. But don't worry! People who use Google Blogger now have access to an amazing tool, Zemanta, which will help them create quality content, and spice it up with images, links, and more!
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