Friday, August 31, 2012

You Can Now Use Blogger Dynamic View on Mobile!

You Can Now Use Blogger Dynamic View on Mobile!

Link to My Blogger Tricks

You Can Now Use Blogger Dynamic View on Mobile!

Posted: 31 Aug 2012 12:09 PM PDT

blogger dynamic view

The mobile phone is increasingly being used on the internet, what with the easy connectivity and mobile apps. Now, mobile blogging is on the rise, and you can even blog right from your cell phone! Many and more people are now using mobile devices to surf the internet, which is why bloggers are turning towards optimizing their blogs for mobile devices. Most of you might be familiar with Blogger Dynamic View, since more than 2 millions blogs have started using it ever since it was launched. Now, Google has integrated the flexibility of mobile usage with the functionality of Dynamic Views. You can now optimize your Blogger Dynamic View blogs for mobile to enhance user experience!
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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Stay updated with the new Android RSS Feeder Widget

Stay updated with the new Android RSS Feeder Widget

Link to My Blogger Tricks

Stay updated with the new Android RSS Feeder Widget

Posted: 30 Aug 2012 12:09 PM PDT

This App has been specially developed for "MBT Readers" by Lubna Essa, an Android developer . We are featuring it here and sharing the download link. If you wish to order similar Android apps, you may contact her anytime at

RSS Feeder android appStaying updated with the latest happenings is by far the most important thing for every individual in this digital age. Whether you are a programmer or a blogger or a housewife or a businessman or a technician or anything, you read the newspaper, you check the internet just for the sake of staying updated so that you may not stay behind. But wait for a moment here and think "Don't you want an application that actually lets you stay updated just through home screen of your Android phone?"
If you are a person who uses the PC just to get some daily updates, then let there be something that can save you the hassle of turning on and off your pc all the time to get updates. Just tap on your phone screen and get all you want because it is designed absolutely for you!

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Publish To Blogger On The Go With Your Cell Phone

Publish To Blogger On The Go With Your Cell Phone

Link to My Blogger Tricks

Publish To Blogger On The Go With Your Cell Phone

Posted: 29 Aug 2012 12:09 PM PDT

Blogger Mobile

Less than a decade ago, the cell phone was rarely, it at all, used. Its primary purpose was to make calls. Now, with the evolution of technology, the cell phone has transformed into a powerful gadget that has become a necessity for everyone. Forget calling, now you can blog with your cell phone! You don't need to have an expensive smartphone for this. Any mobile with a data connection with SMS can be used. Using your phone, you can publish posts to Blogger at any time. This has immense advantages, especially for people who like keeping their friends and family updated, or reporters wanting to break the latest news on their blogs instantly, or travelers who don't often have access to the internet. Such people can publish a new post simply via SMS or MMS or email right from their mobile.
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